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My friend got a B :smile:
I did double art and got A*A* (typical of this forum, I know :rolleyes:) but they were my only A*s.
Awwwww, well done guys!

I did cr*p compared to de rest of ye i got a C and even that was because half way through year 11 my Art teacher realised how shy i was because during year 10 i never recieved any help so in year 11 he basically did most of my work for me!:p:

Thought he would have known before year 10 anyway because i had him in year 9 and never asked for help then unless he offered it to me:p:
Awwwww, well done guys!

I did cr*p compared to de rest of ye i got a C and even that was because half way through year 11 my Art teacher realised how shy i was because during year 10 i never recieved any help so in year 11 he basically did most of my work for me!:p:

Thought he would have known before year 10 anyway because i had him in year 9 and never asked for help then unless he offered it to me:p:

Thanks, but as I said and would like to stress to anyone reading this, they were my only A*s, and on the whole I don't feel like the normal TSR-user either.

Thanks, but as I said and would like to stress to anyone reading this, they were my only A*s, and on the whole I don't feel like the normal TSR-user either.


Bless ye hun! Well i even had to go to Art alub every Thursday after school and then it turned into every night of the week and then i even had to go in on an inset day with my mate when there was only the teachers in school so my art teacher could help me get my year 10 and 11 coursework done

None of that was my personal choice though, it was my art teacher's choice
I know in my school Art was marked really harshly. I don't know if it was grade boundries or anything but the large majority got C-E and their work was pretty good...5 of us got B's and one person got an A :confused: The thing with art is the final examination is based on the examiner's personal taste, so it's luck of the draw really if the work you have produced is to the examiner's taste...I know a lot of people this year didn't quite get the art grade they were predicted or expected, seems strange, I know I was a bit taken aback when all the 'assumed' best people at art got C's :confused: I guess the coursework has to be pretty perfect and your final pieces have to be great...and appealing to the examiner...tis a hard subject to do very well in I
Reply 7
I got an A, which I'm pretty pleased with - although I probably put more work into Art than I did all my other subjects put together. I literally spent all my time doing it :frown: Also, I was with Edexcel, where you need 98% to get an A*! :eek:
I got an A, which I'm pretty pleased with - although I probably put more work into Art than I did all my other subjects put together. I literally spent all my time doing it :frown: Also, I was with Edexcel, where you need 98% to get an A*! :eek:

I know what you mean spending all the time doing art :p: I used to spend days just filling up my sketchbook and sometimes a weekend just doing one part of a final piece (I did a piece on the seven sins and an A3 picture for each sin, each taking roughly 6-9 hours each :p:) But it's so easy to just spend hours doing art, it gets addictive :p: I used to just be bored and think 'I'll just do some art' When I probably should have 'done some maths' :p: still I enjoyed it so meh! :biggrin: xxx
I got a B :biggrin: But my friends got A*, but then they are good at Art, and spent time on it, but mine was just done on the last day. Opposite of LadyEnglish, me :p:
AA with edexcel :biggrin: (double art)
Reply 11
Also, I was with Edexcel, where you need 98% to get an A*!

I know! I'm in year eleven at the moment and taking two art GCSEs with Edexcel, and have just realised how hard it is to get a top grade. I took two because I thought I'd get better grades as it's one of my best subjects... I was wrong.
Reply 12
Oo, the person who did the seven sins, that sounds like a really cool art project!

I got an A* when I took Art, which I was totally shocked about, as I was hoping for a B! Think the examiner must have been a really nice guy, as all of us except one got A*s and that one person got an A. It is so true about spending all your time on Art though - we'd go in for nearly 2 hours a couple of nights a week, spent days at our teacher's house is definitely quantity as well as quality, you have to produce a huge amount of work, and it all has to be of a high standard.

Immensely satisfying GCSE though! I was more pleased with my Art than anything else, it felt like a real achievement and it was fun too!
If I'd taken it, an E maximum :p:
Reply 14
My friend got an A. :smile:
My friend got an A*! :smile:
Reply 16
If I'd taken it, an E maximum

If you do all the work you get atleast a C!
I got a B, and I didn't work!
If you do all the work you get atleast a C!

Seriously?! That's just like attempting every question in Maths, getting it mostly wrong and still passing! :biggrin:
Oo, the person who did the seven sins, that sounds like a really cool art project!

I got an A* when I took Art, which I was totally shocked about, as I was hoping for a B! Think the examiner must have been a really nice guy, as all of us except one got A*s and that one person got an A. It is so true about spending all your time on Art though - we'd go in for nearly 2 hours a couple of nights a week, spent days at our teacher's house is definitely quantity as well as quality, you have to produce a huge amount of work, and it all has to be of a high standard.

Immensely satisfying GCSE though! I was more pleased with my Art than anything else, it felt like a real achievement and it was fun too!

Yup it was very cool lol :cool: It's fun doing all the work and seeing the 'quantity' you have amassed :p: My teacher always said if you're sketchbook doesn't close properly then you've done enough work :p: My sketchbooks never close lol but every new sketchbook I had that was always my goal lol to not make it close :p: Just used to throw in loads of materials that bulked it up a bit and explain why I'd used them :rofl: I'm doing graphics now, sticking to the art side, looked at Fine Art but the first mention of 'Still Life' I ran a mile lol, besides Graphics kinds of incorporates Fine Art so it seemed like the best idea :biggrin: Hurrah for Art! :party: xxx