The Student Room Group

telling sumone i like them

its more complicated than normally.

i would be up to tell her. i really would. i'm leaving college to carry on doing my A2 at another college (as i hated my old one) so i have nothing to lose.

i was going to first tell her on results day but i didn't see her. then i was going to tell her on my old colleges enrolment day which i went to enrol, just in case, but i never got the chance.

i was then speaking to one of her friends and she goes to me 'dont bother.' i basically talked to her and lost all my confidence.

basically the girl i like literally hates me. i mean, she doesn't have any real reason, but the amount of crap she says about me is ridiculous. and i dont even know why. i think it may be because our mutual friend (not my friend anymore, i told him i detest him, he got all emotional, still misses me, etc) probably told her all kind of crap about me, etc.

so i'm demoralised now and don't want to tell her. her reaction will most likely be like, 'okay,' and then she'll walk away and boast to her friends, and then disregard me as crap again.

a part of me wants to stay just for her. but i hate that college, and she hates me.

i'm still thinking of telling her, but i dont know.
Reply 1
Forget her, she doesn't sound like she's worth it. Anyone who would just believe a rumour and then talk **** about you isn't all that.
Forget about her, and move on. You're bound to meet someone worth more your time at your new college.
Reply 2
You for it!
Doesnt sound like you have anything to lose.
Maybe even then she will give you a bit more respect... or it could go the opposite way... but think positive!! You'll regret it otherwise
Tell her, like you said you have nothing to loose. I dont know how many times I have to say this on here but not knowing is what drives you mad!
If you're demoralised now how do you think you'll feel when she says no, or something horribly insulting?

Why would you stay for her when she hates you? What is there to stay for if you hate the place?

Don't tell her. Just move on.
Don't sacrifice your education for a girl that hates you! ok maybe not hate that's a little harsh, she's probably just heard bad things like you said so clear it up! If she's then more sympathetic then go the whole hog and tell her how you feel! If it's a no, move college and move on! Good luck with everything xxx
Reply 6
im not sacrificing my education. i got exceedingly good grades at my old college. in fact, moving may actually have a negative impact on them. but its a braindead college full of braindead people. academically overachievers, socially awkward.

at one point i believed she liked me. i heard she missed her college bus once to find out from my (then) friend whether i liked her not. he told her i did but she didn't believe it, saying 'i dont trust a word that comes out of his mouth.'

WHAT? she doesn't even know me to make a statement like that!

but i doubt she likes me now, considering all the stuff she says about me.
Reply 7
id go for it, if it doesnt work out, try and move on.
Reply 8
what about all the stuff she says about me, and her random hate? what could've caused that?
Why not just ask her why she hates you? Next time you see her, just say, 'I've heard you saying this stuff about me, and it's not true, I just wanna sort this out and find out why you've been saying this crap about me' etc? Then you can find out what her problem with you is.

If she does hate you though, why would you really like someone who hates you? If you tell her, you never know, she could be one of those randomers who acts like they absolutely detest a person because secretly they like them...or she could just actually hate you, and laugh at you with all her friends.

As you say, you have nothing to lose (unless you stay at that college or see her or her friends around town a lot), so if you feel really strongly, just tell her you like her and be done with it. Otherwise, it just doesn't seem worth it.
She doesn't like you, whether her reasons are justified or completely irrational, this is one to leave.

Why anybody would encourage you to 'go for it' is beyond me, if she hates you, then this isn't going to have a happy ending if you tell her you fancy her
I would ignore her, she's not worth it, she sounds really arrogant.
Reply 12
just tell her, you said you dont have anything to lose! remember! :smile:
anyway maybe her friend isnt telling you the totaly truth, maybe she likes you? i say go for it!