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Take a present of some sort. Just some flowers or a box of nice choccies, always a good ice breaker.
SMILE when you meet them, introduce yourself nicely (if your bf doesn't do it for you!)
Be polite and make conversation with them if they want to.
Check with your boyfriend if there are any unspoken house rules, such as no shoes in certain rooms, only use certain crockery/cutlery etc.
Offer to help clear up/wash up after a meal. Chances are you'll be turned down, but it never hurts to show willing. Also, if they take you out to dinner and pay for you, thank them for it.
Let them know in advance (via your boyfriend) if you have any dietary requirements, from vegetarianism, to food allergies, to things you just plain can't stand. Nothing worse than that Guinea Fowl moment in Notting Hill. Also, I suppose, if you are allergic to any fabrics/detergents which could mean you might have a reaction to their bedding (my boyfriend nearly got an asthma attack from one of our pillows )
Take their house for granted. You are their guest as well as your boyfriend's, so don't just disappear off with him the whole time and only appear for meals.
Have really noisy sex. It's just rude and would make them feel very uncomfortable.
Pretend to be anything you're not. Just be polite and friendly and honest.
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