The Student Room Group
Reply 1
if there causing a problem (catching on clothing etc.) or are a reason for concern they can be on nhs yes. other wise im not so sure
Reply 2
If you go to the doctor because of a mole suddenly changing or bleeding or something they will remove it to check for skin cancer. If its just because you dont like them then I'm not sure
Yer, but it's very painful and frequently the stitches can come apart (my dad had it done last year and he kept catching it with the label out of t-shirts)

i am trying to get the NHS to remove one but they said to keep an eye on it and if it swells again, they will remove it....
Reply 4
If it causes severe distress to your emotionally they can remove them, some people i.e. me lol hate them so much that it depresses them and as long as that can be proved then they can remove them although they advise against it.

My mum had one removed on her face and when she went for a bath the steam caused the stitches to open and she had to go straight back to hospital.

I decided against surgery, I am trying to live with them - its hard
Reply 5
heya. i just had a mole removed on the nhs- it was in my armpit and a bit annoying. i went to the doctor and he arranged an appointment with the nurse for a week later. then she froze it with liquid nitrogen and i slowly knida dropped off!! eww i know... but there's like no scar. hope that helps x
Reply 6
heya. i just had a mole removed on the nhs- it was in my armpit and a bit annoying. i went to the doctor and he arranged an appointment with the nurse for a week later. then she froze it with liquid nitrogen and i slowly knida dropped off!! eww i know... but there's like no scar. hope that helps x

that couldn have been a mole :confused: , they have to practically dig moles out to remove all of it. or maybe thats just if theyre getting worse
I had one on the back of my neck, fairly big like 3cm by 0.5cm and it was 3d rather then flat. The doctor said that its not cancerous but that that type can cause skin cancer.

I got it cut off like 3 years ago, it was not done earlyer because when i was younger the doctor said its best to wait a bit because otherwise the scar will get bigger as you grow.

It did not hurt or anything, though the only problem is i found i have this 'condition' where my body produces too much scar tissue so the scar is actualy much bigger then the mole was and is also 3d lol but its better then having a mole.
If the mole's not causing you any irritation or pain, I don't see why you would want it to be removed. I have several on my arms, belly, legs, face. Not massive ones but ones that are big enough to be noticed.

I agree that they're not the nicest thing to have but it's part of what makes you an individual. Why would you want to take that away?
Reply 9
Right this post may not be of any help to the OP (sorry!) but Ive had this dilemma for over 2 years and the thought of a.) bigger scars than the actual moles (and I scar real bad!) and b.)of it opening up!! *look of horror on face*
CrazyChica I think your refering to cryosurgery!
I have 2 on my face..very visible, annoying and worst of all growing! Going to have it attended to soon.
Reply 10
I had one on the back of my neck, fairly big like 3cm by 0.5cm and it was 3d rather then flat. The doctor said that its not cancerous but that that type can cause skin cancer.

I got it cut off like 3 years ago, it was not done earlyer because when i was younger the doctor said its best to wait a bit because otherwise the scar will get bigger as you grow.

It did not hurt or anything, though the only problem is i found i have this 'condition' where my body produces too much scar tissue so the scar is actualy much bigger then the mole was and is also 3d lol but its better then having a mole.

My cousin has that scar tissue thing, he got thrown off a camel, a nd how has a scar, which is raised at least 3/4 of a feels ace though.
My cousin has that scar tissue thing, he got thrown off a camel, a nd how has a scar, which is raised at least 3/4 of a feels ace though.

Mines not that big, more like a few mm. Thing is, the scar is suposed to be just a line because when its stiched up they pull the skin over, and the scar should only be across the line of the stiches, but mine is way wider and it feels so smooth like marble!
Reply 12
Mines not that big, more like a few mm. Thing is, the scar is suposed to be just a line because when its stiched up they pull the skin over, and the scar should only be across the line of the stiches, but mine is way wider and it feels so smooth like marble!

I'd sit playing with it :biggrin:
I had a mole that I didn't like removed from my face on the NHS. The surgery was terrifying, I had a local anaesthetic, a blanket was put over my face (meaning that I couldn't see a thing) and then the surgeons proceeded to cut the mole out. Although there is no pain the sensation is troubling because it feels like someone is tearing your face apart; you can really feel them cutting it out, so be warned that just because it doesn't hurt doesn't mean that it isn't extremely uncomfortable. The stitches are taken out a couple of weeks later. The resulting scar (the mole was quite small, about the size of a squashed pea) is completely unnoticeable. Several years later and I'm very glad that I had it done.
This seems like the appropiate place to ask this question...

Im going to start shaving my head, but I can feel a 3d mole up there, which I want removed. Would having a scar there be a problem when passing over it with a razor?
Reply 15
This seems like the appropiate place to ask this question...

Im going to start shaving my head, but I can feel a 3d mole up there, which I want removed. Would having a scar there be a problem when passing over it with a razor?

Shouldn't think so, if it's done properly.

However, you'll likely never have hair growth in the spot of the scar ever again.
Shouldn't think so, if it's done properly.

However, you'll likely never have hair growth in the spot of the scar ever again.

Thats ok, its not the hairy variety of mole anyway, so all is not lost. Cheers!
Reply 17
I had a mole that I didn't like removed from my face on the NHS. The surgery was terrifying, I had a local anaesthetic, a blanket was put over my face (meaning that I couldn't see a thing) and then the surgeons proceeded to cut the mole out. Although there is no pain the sensation is troubling because it feels like someone is tearing your face apart; you can really feel them cutting it out, so be warned that just because it doesn't hurt doesn't mean that it isn't extremely uncomfortable. The stitches are taken out a couple of weeks later. The resulting scar (the mole was quite small, about the size of a squashed pea) is completely unnoticeable. Several years later and I'm very glad that I had it done.

Yup, like warts, they use liquid nitrogen to freeze them off. When I had me warts done (sexy) It was like sticking my hand in to a fire but it worked! so yeah i can only assume they do the same with moles :confused: I picked my mole a bit (very manky) and it bleeds a lot :frown: I really want it gone but I'm scared I'll miss it lol, i've had it since the days of being a foetus! :biggrin: xxx