The Student Room Group

I don't understand myself

I go through spells of happiness and being completely miserable in such short spaces of time. Sometimes I just have this overwhelming feeling of unworthyness which mainly happens when im in public.

I have a lot of fear too, sometimes im too scared to go in shops to buy stuff I need. When I'm at home or with people I know I'm fine but whenever I talk to a teacher about something I almost lose my voice an become awkward and embarrassed.

I look at other people all the time and wish I could be as comfortable and as confident as them. I always read about believing in myself, positive thinking etc but it only works until the next time I feel down.

I'm really not sure what I can do, I don't know what is wrong with me. If I was depressed surely I would feel that way all of the time?

Thanks for reading, I just really needed to get this off of my chest.
My sister is the same. I'm gonna tell you the same thing I tell her. Everyone feels that way some of the time. Most of the time they are acting.
social anxiety?
Reply 3
Yeh i get the same thing from time to time, I don't know what it is but it doesn't seem to affect me toooo much. Just think things through logically, like the not wanting to go into shops things, whats the worst that can happen? Are you a guy or a girl (if I may ask)? Anonymous poster number 2, what do you mean by "Most of the time they are acting"? Why would we 'act' these feelings?
Reply 4
I'm afraid it sounds like part of being a teenager.

I had a social anxiety problem for a really long time, but I basically forced myself out of it so I could get on with life. I was fine doing things like walking to the bus stop, and I was ok if I was with someone, but as soon as I'm alone, I started having problems. I still have this now, although I bite the bullet more and get on with it.

You have to look for the good in you, and concentrate on that. I used to always think of myself and tubby and geeky. Now I think I'm smart, and I've got womanly curves :P oh, and I've embraced my geekiness, although at uni I don't stand out so much for that!

I hated myself for years, but you really have to do the positive thinking thing. It does work, but don't expect instant results! It's taken me years, and I still do have trouble from time to time.

I'm sure you're a wonderful person, you just have to think that too.
Reply 5
I go through spells of happiness and being completely miserable in such short spaces of time. Sometimes I just have this overwhelming feeling of unworthyness which mainly happens when im in public.

I have a lot of fear too, sometimes im too scared to go in shops to buy stuff I need. When I'm at home or with people I know I'm fine but whenever I talk to a teacher about something I almost lose my voice an become awkward and embarrassed.

I look at other people all the time and wish I could be as comfortable and as confident as them. I always read about believing in myself, positive thinking etc but it only works until the next time I feel down.

I'm really not sure what I can do, I don't know what is wrong with me. If I was depressed surely I would feel that way all of the time?

Thanks for reading, I just really needed to get this off of my chest.

i totally understand what you are going through. But i have come to terms with it, thats what life is, a long strenuous journey where one tries to "find" themselves. Its tough, but hang in there.
Reply 6
Happens to everyone. When you come back from one of those spells write down a list of all the people you remember seeing when you were out, my guess is that you'll remember 2 or 3 tops. Everyone is irrelevent in your life apart from your friends and family.

If you remember more than 3 then you have a freakishly good memory and should enter quiz shows.
Reply 7
my goodness, op, that could have been me when i went through a spell of awful self-consciousness when i was about 15. I dont exactly know what made it stop but it did- it was a phase. I think its part of growing up, if its not majorly affecting how you live your life, just sit it out :smile:
Reply 8
Sounds exactly like me lol.

Teens are like that, one second they're happy, the next they're not.