The Student Room Group

Another "I Like A Guy" thread

I would post this as annonymous, but I'm nearly 100% sure he doesn't post on here anyway... I hope...

Anyway, there is a guy on my course at uni. We're pretty good friends, texting occasionally, msn and hanging out and the like.

I realised about halfway through the last term that I had developed quite a crush on him (me realising consisted of him grabbing me from behind and me blushing! Sad, I know). After one of our exams about 2 months later, a group of us got very drunk in the pub, and me and this guy ended up kissing (in all honesty, I don't remember much about it, but apparently it was a proper snog). I must add that I kissed two of my girl mates that night too - it was one of those drunken uni nights!

The one thing I can remember about the kiss though, is that he definitely kissed me back. He appologised as we both sobred up walking home and said he shouldn't have kissed me because he liked someone else.

Sorry, this is much longer than I thought it would be.

We recently went to a gig (a group of us) and two of the people who had never met him said we were flirting (he kept hitting me, and silly boy things like that) and then later he said he'd stopped liking the girl he'd fancied before, quickly stating it was probably cause he hadn't seen her for a while.

And since then, our conversations online seem to have a sexual undertone. I'm not sure it's cause he feels more comfy with me, or cause he likes me... and I'm getting a headache thinking about it.

I don't know what to do! I've got to see him in a few weeks, and I don't want to make a gibbering fool of myself in front of everyone!

Any thoughts?
I think maybe he likes you, but then I'm no expert, despite being a bloke. I dunno about the hitting being flirting. I think that is just womans misguided interpretation of flirting. Like guys who believe that just because a girl smiles at them, they fancy the boxers of them.
Fancying someone is great, isn't it?
Ask him for a drink when he's sober and then decide what you both want.
Reply 4
I would post this as annonymous, but I'm nearly 100% sure he doesn't post on here anyway... I hope...

Anyway, there is a guy on my course at uni. We're pretty good friends, texting occasionally, msn and hanging out and the like.

I realised about halfway through the last term that I had developed quite a crush on him (me realising consisted of him grabbing me from behind and me blushing! Sad, I know). After one of our exams about 2 months later, a group of us got very drunk in the pub, and me and this guy ended up kissing (in all honesty, I don't remember much about it, but apparently it was a proper snog). I must add that I kissed two of my girl mates that night too - it was one of those drunken uni nights!

The one thing I can remember about the kiss though, is that he definitely kissed me back. He appologised as we both sobred up walking home and said he shouldn't have kissed me because he liked someone else.

Sorry, this is much longer than I thought it would be.

We recently went to a gig (a group of us) and two of the people who had never met him said we were flirting (he kept hitting me, and silly boy things like that) and then later he said he'd stopped liking the girl he'd fancied before, quickly stating it was probably cause he hadn't seen her for a while.

And since then, our conversations online seem to have a sexual undertone. I'm not sure it's cause he feels more comfy with me, or cause he likes me... and I'm getting a headache thinking about it.

I don't know what to do! I've got to see him in a few weeks, and I don't want to make a gibbering fool of myself in front of everyone!

Any thoughts?

nice story, i like potential love stories.
i'm past of one too.. but thats besides the point.

if he just said to you that he's stopped liking the girl he did, its probably because he likes spending time with someone else *points at you*.

you both seem to have a really comfortable time with each other, which is really nice because its a good level.. its kinda inbetween friendship and more. perhaps you should just ask him out for an outing together, just the 2 of you, go out for a meal etc. have some more you-him time. make it blatent to him that you really like spending time with him, give him odd compliments that'll make him feel really good, and you'll soon notice how he'll begin to put effort too.

take it easy, you have something really good happening =]
Reply 5
A quick update - he doesn't want to date anyone on his course, so I've not really got a chance :frown:
Reply 6
Just carry on the way you are, don't sleep with him though. You never know he may change his mind once he knows what great company you are! Some people hate to risk a good friendship as if it goes wrong that person will still be in the course. I think he likes you but doesn't want to take the risk.