The Student Room Group

Getting over a crush

I really really really fancy this girl. She was at my school now shes at my college (im a girl too btw). Im almost 100% sure shes straight, but I cant seem to get over her. Ive only had a few conversations with her, so dont really know what shes like, yet I cannot get over her.

Obviously shes incredibly hot and always smiles at me, etc. She knows I like her cos my sister told her at a party.

Everytime I see her I like her more. How do I get over her?
Ooooo mate. Been in the same situation many a time (it's ALWAYS the straight ones, seriuosly, why can i not fall for a gay girl just once in a while?). Most of the time you just have to face up to the fact that you don't have a chance. Theres a mate of mine at Uni who I had a huge crush on for ages, in the end I plucked up the courage to tell her, even though I was expecting a 'no'. When she did say 'Ooooo terribly sorry, but you know I'm straight right?' I realised that all I needed to get over her was a definite 'no, you got no chance'. True I haven't seen her for a while (told her by text, the gutless wonder that I am) so when I see her in october we'll see how well it went, but I am getting over her.

So what I'm trying to say is, I know you probably can't tell this girl, seeing as you ain't that good mates or anything, so just convince yourself theres no chance, or, pluck up the courage and tell her, she'll probably say no, if she's straight, then its easier to get over.
Reply 2
Ouch. I guess you just get over it the way I would (although I'm straight, I don't really see a difference) which is by fantasising about other people, other sexual scenarios, getting out there and talking to new people you do have a chance with etc.
Reply 3
Yeah. It is always hard to do that. If there is the slightest feeling that your feelings may be reciprocated and you are sure you want to start a relationship, it is always worth asking. Even if shes says "no", it helps with the healing. Well it worse for a little while but it is better after that.
Reply 4
I really really really fancy this girl. She was at my school now shes at my college (im a girl too btw). Im almost 100% sure shes straight, but I cant seem to get over her. Ive only had a few conversations with her, so dont really know what shes like, yet I cannot get over her.

Obviously shes incredibly hot and always smiles at me, etc. She knows I like her cos my sister told her at a party.

Everytime I see her I like her more. How do I get over her?

i think a few of the only ways you'll get over her is when she gets a boyfriend, if she tells you 'we can never be' or if you find another hot girl to like..

it is hard to get over someone, for me its hard to get over guys but theres always someone else who comes along and catches yer eye.