The Student Room Group

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Reply 2
Not me... but then again i'm abit of a loner so that might explain why.
Maybe not depressed but having finished school, I'm definately missing the whole social side of things from school.
Reply 4
I know exactly what you mean.
Reply 5
yeah sometimes

(or phone)
Reply 7
Erm, nope! I occasionally feel like that on a Friday afternoon or at the start of the holidays, thinking I'll miss seeing people over the weekend, but that only lasts for like a minute and I never do miss them! That could be 'coz I've not got good mates at school, but even with the people I do consider good friends, it doesn't hugely bother me that I go months without seeing them! Maybe I just don't care enough, lol.
Reply 8
I'm the opposite. I get kranky if I spend too much time with them. Whenever we go to festivals I get all depressed and irritable and want to go home and not see anyone. The exception was WOMAD this year, that was just classic.
you cant be unhappy at WOMAD. I did Leeds this year, all those depressed looking emo kids :confused:, you dont get that at WOMAD
Reply 10
rofl hell no
Reply 11
No. As much as I enjoy spending time with my friends, I also need time to myself.
I currently have no friends so nope. And when I was at school it didn't really bother me if I didn't see my friends.
im like that man i get attached to people and i miss everyone, but my friends dont seem to be that bothered.
No, not really. I see my friends about once a week or so. But then I'm really busy at work and don't spend much time just sat at home, so if I spend a few hours at the weekend in my pyjamas posting on TSR or whatever, it doesn't really matter!
Reply 16
No; quite the reverse, in fact: over-exposure causes me to become withdrawn and irritable.
Reply 17
I live in a flat with 6 boys and they've all gone home/gone to their g/f's and I'm here alone until they come back tomorrow and yes I feel quite depressed and sad :frown:
Get a life mate?
What makes you think you have the right to tell someone to get a life?