The Student Room Group

to girls...what aged men do u fall for?

ive noticed i fall so easily for men between mid 20's and even up to 40's, i don't know why, anyone else found they do this?
and yep they tend to be married round that age, lol
maybe because they seem / look more original and manly rather than most boys 18/19 ish look so fake with gellled hair an 'in fashion' clothes i dunno most guys i've seen look as if they try too hard to look good. i'd rather a guy were a plain t-shirt or shirt and and any old trousers/jeans and just look decent, and i don't mean the the back street or a druggie kinda look. maybe because they look more hard working?

just wondering what age range you would put on guys?

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I'm 20 and I wouldn't go for anyone younger than 20 or older than 30. I'd be most likely to go for someone between 21 and about 27 though.
Reply 2
I'm 16 and geneally go for the kind of 17 - 19 age group. I get kinda worried if someone over the age of 20 likes me
Reply 3
I'd say/prefer my age or a year older.
Reply 4
Same age as me to about 4-5 years older.

anyone above 25ish seems soo old at the moment.(i'm 16 btw) no offence to anyone. :p:
Same age to a year or two older. I can like guys who are maybe 10 years older or more, and there's famous people in their 30s and 40s I like, but if somebody more than 2 or 3 years older than me actually did like me, I'd be a bit weirded out to be honest. They say girls go for guys a few years older because we mature faster, and guys my age are total idiots - but boys never grow up, so you'll get a divvy whatever age you go for! :biggrin:
Reply 6
Older; I dont think I could be with a bloke my age or younger. Tried it and it failed.
Reply 7
Older; I dont think I could be with a bloke my age or younger. Tried it and it failed.

Oh really? :hubba:
Reply 8
Oh really? :hubba:

Apart from you db, its always been you :love:
Reply 9
I do sometimes fancy older guys but not to actually go out with, generally I'm interested in guys my age. I think I'd feel a bit intimidated with an older guy (i'm not that confident) whereas I'm more confident with guys roughly my age. Also I have more in common with guys of the same age. I recently met a guy I thought was really nice & good looking & turned out he was 18 months or so younger than me.
ive noticed i fall so easily for men between mid 20's and even up to 40's, i don't know why, anyone else found they do this?
and yep they tend to be married round that age, lol
maybe because they seem / look more original and manly rather than most boys 18/19 ish look so fake with gellled hair an 'in fashion' clothes i dunno most guys i've seen look as if they try too hard to look good. i'd rather a guy were a plain t-shirt or shirt and and any old trousers/jeans and just look decent, and i don't mean the the back street or a druggie kinda look. maybe because they look more hard working?

just wondering what age range you would put on guys?

well to be honest i like the same kinda guys that you do! Young men arent my taste and i always like men aged around 25-40! I never like people my age really, older men seem to be more classy and more confident. Young men have the same lack of confidence as we do because were new to life as it were, whereas 30-40 years olds have lived, and have experienced life. I feel more comfortable around older people too, so i would love to go out with someone around 35 which i suppose is quite old seeing as im 18, but i am very mentally mature (i have been told :p:)
i cant see my self going out with anyone over 25 at the mo i think we will have more in common if there nearer my age (im 18)xx
Reply 12
same age. they gotta look older though. i dont do bumfluff/babyfaced blonde haired guys. my bf can grow a beard in about a week and hes all manly. :p: i think it goes more by how old they look rather how old they are :rolleyes:
My bf is about my age (couple of months older lol) and i love him to bits, and he is the best thing EVER! but generally men i am attracted to are in the 25-40 range, Lol, so same thing .S.O.S!!
My bf is about my age (couple of months older lol) and i love him to bits, and he is the best thing EVER! but generally men i am attracted to are in the 25-40 range, Lol, so same thing .S.O.S!!

well i mean ive never had a boyfriend, however i would prefer my first boyfriend to be oldr than me. I dont know why, i would just prefer it that way!
Reply 15
'They' say that 2-3 year age gap where the bloke is older is good in a relationship because both boy and girl are at the same level of maturity! I.e. a 20yo is at the same maturity level as a girl at 17/18.

Although i think it still depends on the individual, as a general rule this is probably true.

This could explain why women are attracted to older men, they are more mature and on the same wavelength as it were?

Reply 16
i'm 18, and anything from my age, ish, up to about 25/6/7 i guess? recent events have confused things though :confused:
Haha OK I'm weird.

I'm 20(and a girl) and I go for younger guys wtf.I always tend to like guys who are 17/18...that's not to say I don't go for older guys but maybe 9/10 times I like someone...they are younger.They just tend to be more attractive and wear better clothes IMO....and I dunno...are more fun!Also the older woman thing is always good *mwahah*

I guess my age limit is anywhere from 17-23.

16 year olds-still at school.Not good.24+...just seem a bit old to me...I don't think I'd have much in common with them because they will have left uni and got jobs and whatnot and I'll be in uni in 3 weeks.
Hi every1 i'm 18 and i too go for older guys. Usually within the 20's and maxium 30. But recent events too have changed this. However, i just couldnt see a guy younger then myself. But then again i dont think these things are permanent rules and with that special person could change. So i'm pretty open.
Reply 19
I'm 21 and usually refuse to go with any guy younger than me unless they've SERIOUSLY offence to guys aged thus, but the majority still have one thing on their minds and not a hell of a lot else, or the ones round my area do anyway. They bore the Hell out of me. Drugs, drink, women, cars - not necessarily in that order - makes me despair a little. I'm still waiting for the guys MY OWN age to level out and start thinking outside the box a little.....ho hum.

I tend to go for guys older'n me, whether I mean to or not. The last crush I had was my Eng lang teacher, who's 36!! And yes, married with a kid. Godamnit. Never mind, it was just a dumbass crush anyway, I'll live...but he was, to me, nearly perfect. As close to my ideal guy as could be reached. Oh well, c'est la vie!