I'm 21 and usually refuse to go with any guy younger than me unless they've SERIOUSLY matured....no offence to guys aged thus, but the majority still have one thing on their minds and not a hell of a lot else, or the ones round my area do anyway. They bore the Hell out of me. Drugs, drink, women, cars - not necessarily in that order - makes me despair a little. I'm still waiting for the guys MY OWN age to level out and start thinking outside the box a little.....ho hum.
I tend to go for guys older'n me, whether I mean to or not. The last crush I had was my Eng lang teacher, who's 36!! And yes, married with a kid. Godamnit. Never mind, it was just a dumbass crush anyway, I'll live...but he was, to me, nearly perfect. As close to my ideal guy as could be reached. Oh well, c'est la vie!