The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Dont pick it and put toothpaste on it when you go to bed and leave it on over night! =)
Oh an if its red and inflammed it really helps taking one iburofen.
Reply 2
tee tree oil......costs about £3 frm body shop
Reply 3
patience...and nnooooo touuchyy
Reply 4
Stop touching for a start. Cleanse your face, exfoliate and tone if you have any of those products do it now, if not use toothpaste like someone suggested. There are also various treatment gels like Clearasil, Clean and Clear, Neutrogena which you put on the spot and it reduces in size overnight.
Reply 5
or you could just cut it out with a razor depending on how big it is - obviously i dont recommend this, but if its like the tip of a sharp pencil....[which im guessing its not..]
Reply 6
Burst it and squeeze the white goo out, et voila. If it hurts when you touch it, it aint ready to burst yet. :wink:
wash and exfoliate and pat dry (use cotton pads to dry if you have them)
then apply toothpaste and leave to dry/ go to sleep with it on.
should have reduced in size/swollenness by this time.
i have a huge one on my chin im about to do this to now
The best thing i use is the clearasil face wipes. Theres the one that says visibly clear skin in 3 days. Its quite expensive at around £4.00. All you do is wipe the pads on your face and thats it twice a day. You can really see it works as when i use it at night (i dont bother in mornings) you can see all brown stuff on the pad which is all dirt and oils from your face.

Yeh the other solution is toothpaste all night which dries your spot. Try not to burst it because it can leave a scar. But i still do though
Reply 9
tee tree oil......costs about £3 frm body shop

That stuff is good.
Tee tree oil works!! We also use aloe vera (not that bottled crap though!) I grow a wee aloe vera plant in my bathroom now and if i get a major spot (which is too often for my liking...) then i break the end off it and squeeze the juice onto the spot - the next morning it is barely even noticable....

Only use the very tip of one branchy bit though - use too mcuh at once and you'll kill it off, it really works though!! and it's natural
Reply 12
DO NOT SQUEEZE. that can lead to gross bleediness, redness, irritation, scars, more spots etc.

the absolute best way of getting all the icky white goo out is as follows:

hold a face cloth under a running tap of really really hot water, squeeze out the excess water and quickly hold the facecloth over the spot. The steam will open up your pores and naturally draw the whiteness out. Repeat until all the white goo is gone.

next splash some very very cold water on your face to reclose the pores, or better yet, hold an ice cube over it, which will close them and reduce the redness.

dab some spot cream on, and if desired, use some medicated concealer which will disinfect and cover up the redness is one go.

honestly, that is the best way of getting rid of them. i taught my brother this method when he was 16 and riddled by spots, and now is a happy, clear-skinned 18 year old who still does this when he gets breakouts :smile:.
Reply 13
Witch Hazel and do not squeeze or pick at it.
Reply 14
toothpaste doesnt work i cant believe the amount of people who think it does.
Reply 15
Yes it does! Leave it on overnight, it dries it out a bit!
Buy a 'Witch Stick'!

Its like a little blue tube of stuff (looks like a Pritt Stick!) and its got all these nice herbal ingredients like Tea Tree and Witch Hazel in it. Put a bit of that stuff on before you go to bed and the spot will disappear in no time! :biggrin: Works for me, anyhoo!

:suith: :smile: :suith: