The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have been wondering about this too as I'd like to do Art History at Ox or Cambs [preferably the latter]. I think in terms of A Levels one or two languages, history of art, history, and English would probably be quite useful subjects from what I've heard.
Reply 2
the prospectus says that you must have a subject involving essay writing, it also says its hselpful to harve history of art, history, english, a language, art.

however u dont have to do all those if u dont want to/cant. however some universities do require a language so u have to check those out as well
Reply 3
I have an offer to read history of art at oxford. Whilst i was down there for interview, all the profs seemed really nice and friendly, and the head of the course is Martin Kemp who is the world expert of Leonardo da Vinci, and has appeared frequently on tv. The course faculty is in a really large and airy building, right in the center of town, and it is really well equiped, also having the added bonus of being above a health club. The course at oxfordis more innovative and progressive than the tradional Cambridge one, which i thourght was too rooted in the past ( each to his own though) Collages which are accpeting students are Wadham, worcester, christchurch , peters and st catz, though worcester and wadham are the best bet, as at christchurch most social groups seem to be arranged by subject, where as the other collages are a little more dynamic and varied in their social groups, which is better for people in small courses. Either way, the oxford course is more theory based, looking at developing themes and theories in art rather than just one painting by a certain artist. In the end it really comes down to the individual. By the way, Oxford HA has a much higher application ratio, as their were like 300 applications, and then 80 or so people called to interview for only 10 places, and next year will be worse as more schools will have heard about it.

if you want to ask anything else pm me.

the head of the course is Martin Kemp ... and has appeared frequently on tv.

Isn't martin kemp the bloke that played steve in eastenders and was in spandau ballet? It would explain the tv appearances.