The Student Room Group

Failed job interviews...

(This is affecting my health hence it being in this section)

I've been to a number of job interviews in the past year and haven't been successful (about 5 to be exact). I'm a student and I've only attempted to apply to jobs that were in my league (so I've only bothered applying to retail based jobs as I have 3 years experience in this field.) Getting my application overlooked isn't too bad, I can deal with that but being rejected at the interview stage is just too much to bare. I'm starting to feel there's something wrong with me. I already feel like most people don't warm to me because... I don't know actually... perhaps it's the way I look? or my monotonous voice that sets everyone's teeth on edge? or maybe I come across too confident? or even worse- I seem too smarmy?

I recently went for a job interview (about a week ago) and I've not heard anything from them despite being told that they would get back to me within 3 days. It's not the first time that I've been left out in the dark, one several occasions I've been told by the interviewer that I would hear from them but never did. I can't even explain to you how low that makes me feel. I cried all day today, I even felt suicidal at one point. Why am I constantly rejected for? I think I'm a nice person, personally and I don't think I say anything in the interview that would put me at a disadvantage. Maybe I'm just not articulate enough? Maybe I have an annoying face? I really don't know what it is.

Any advice would be appreciated thanks.
Reply 1
Hrmmmmmmm a suggestion maybe would be record yourself interviewing yourself and see how you are coming across? Maybe you are doing things that you are not noticing that may be putting employers off?

It's more likely coincidental perhaps?

Or maybe they think you are so good that if they give you a job you might leave and go somewhere else if you dont like it there.
Reply 2
I think when I speak, people think I'm arrogant, but I'm not, I just don't know how to prove myself otherwise in such a short amount of time. Even my friend had once told me that is she didn't know me she would assume I was rude. When I asked her why- she just said, ''I don't know, you just look rude.'' :frown:
Reply 3
I think that you should pay heed to that then. If you sound arrogant (even though you aren't) you shoud improve on that image. Even small things can put people off the first time they meet you so try to make yourself more friendly and warm. If people think you are arrogant, may be you could cut down on mentioning your achievements a little and mention only the real important ones.
Have you ever been given a reason for not getting the job? You could try asking for feedback instead of just accepting what they say. It will give you something to improve, or work towards at your next interview.

I was rejected from H&M by some card which was really impersonal, so I rang them and asked for feedback as I personally thought I did really well, and kind of got my hopes up. I was told that they do things on a scoring system, and that people who get a higher number of points automatically get the job, but because I still did really well they kept me on file. It made me feel a load better about it, as I was quite upset.

I also got 'rejected' by Monsoon at a group interview, but because I asked for feedback and basically told them I thought they were wrong, they rang me back and asked me for another interview because they were 'really pleased with the way I handled their feedback', and got the job.
Reply 5
I wouldn't take people not getting back to you personally. Some HR people just are not very good at THEIR job and just forget/can't be bothered to do these things. It is more a reflection of them and their (lack of) professional integrity than on you. Don't give up: getting jobs is a very competitive thing these days. Some of my friends have had tens of job interviews and not got anything, just cause so many people are fighting for the same jobs.
Reply 6
I agree with Kittennffc. Phone up those companies and ask for feedback.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but sitting around, feeling low and just wondering why you were rejected is not going to make you feel any better. Once you know why you've been turned away then you can start working on those points and make yourself a great potential employee.

Also, perhaps it is worth branching out from your retail experience? 3 years could mean overqualified for some employers.

Anyway, good luck with your jobhunting and I really do wish you all the best.

Original post by Arezoo
Hi, I have a group interview with Monsoon tomorrow! I've noticed that you had an interview with Monsoon before. I was wondering if you can give me some advices about Monsoon group interviews and what I can expect for tomorrow!?
Many Thanks,

It's not like that was posted over 4 years ago or anything... :curious:
celebrate the fact that you arn't a slave yet.