The Student Room Group

Guy I meet off the internet!!

Well I had never meet any1 off the internet before because i thought it was dangerous & ive never thought it was a wise idea but ive got myspace and ive now been talking to this guy for 2 years and i decided to meet up with him afew weeks ago. We get on so well that ive meet up with him quite alot we've been cinema & stuff and we seem to always be silly & childish together and he always makes me laugh. I feel Ive known him for along time & i havent had this much fun with anyone in years. He always comes to see my as well. & my little sis had a party a so i invited him along and it was gud he got on well wiv my family & my sisters mates but then he was asked where we meet & he came out with the internet i was quite embarrased cause i knew people would frown upon it. I guess i knew it wud probs cum out & id have 2 except it sooner or later. He then went on holiday & i did miss him & he brought me a pressie bk bless him. I think i have feelings growing & im beginning to fancy him & i know he hasnt been split wiv his ex for very long. I'm shy & dare not say anything does this seem strange?
OK,firstly,there's a marvellous thing called paragraphs.Use them please.

Secondly,I wouldn't say it's strange that you like this guy now that you've met him although I wouldn't say you know him well enough yet if you only met him a couple of weeks ago....

Why don't you wait and see what happens?It's early days.You've just met him and he just split up with his girlfriend.You have all the time in the world to get to know him and stuff.
I agree with cherrychoclate, Youve only met him for a few weeks, get to know him more before you decide on anything more serious. Get to know of the person you met is the real person you have really met. Best of Luck with watever decision you gonna make.
Reply 3
Does what seem strange? The fact that you met him online, or the fact that you fancy him, or the fact that you're shy and afraid to say anything?
Reply 4
i don't think it sounds strange. i think you were careful about meeting him- you hadn't met anyone before and you waited a considerable length of time to meet him. plus, u didn't express feelings for him before meeting him. it's not like you've come out and said you're completely in love with him or anything, i personally see it like, you've talked to him a lot (i'm guessing!) because when ppl talk over the net, they only have that to do, TALK, so you can get to know a lot about someone, and now you've started forming a real relationship (whatever kind that may be, friendship etc).

i think it sounds like the bubbly feelings u can get at the beginning of any potential relationship. just bcos u met him on the net doesn't make your feelings 4 him tainted/strange etc in any way imo. i agree in just seeing how things go. good luck. x.
Reply 5
go for it:smile:
Holy ****, this makes my brain hurt!

Do hat makes you happy, **** everything else.
Reply 7
be a man, and go for it!!!
I agree with cherychocolate, use paragraphs.
I would say get to know him a bit more first, plus he's only just come out of another relationship.
Reply 10
why is everyone really really touchy on here now?
im sure a few weeks ago people didn't start critisising others because they hadn't spelt a word right or didn't "Write Like This" or use paragraphs..

as for the bloke you like, don't dive into anything, if hes only come out of a relationship he'll think 2187938 times before he gets into another one, stick by him as a friend and if it becomes more then so be it..
I would reply, but I really do not have the time or energy to break down that writing so I can actually make sense of it, remember that for the future. thanks :smile:
why is everyone really really touchy on here now?
im sure a few weeks ago people didn't start critisising others because they hadn't spelt a word right or didn't "Write Like This" or use paragraphs..

as for the bloke you like, don't dive into anything, if hes only come out of a relationship he'll think 2187938 times before he gets into another one, stick by him as a friend and if it becomes more then so be it..

Errr no thats always been like that, because it really annoys most people on here.
Reply 13
I'd say go for it.

The same as you, I thought that meeting people off the interent was dangerous and said I would never do it. about 5 years ago I spent alot of time in chat rooms talking to people and later spoke to them on messenger. Still do talk to some of them but one boy I met I had been speaking to for 5 years, maybe more kept asking to meet. I kept saying no and finding excuses and didn't, untill this year, over the christmas period something happened while we were talking feelings came out. I gave up and decided to meet him. Well it was the best thing I ever did personally :smile: I've been going out with him for 7 months and we are truely in love!

My family and friends have been told a slightly edited story to how we met because my parents wouldn't aprove.

But for this reason I would say go for it. you've met him, you get on well, why don't you ask him out?
Reply 14
Is he 45?

If so, then steer clear
Reply 15

I really appreciate ur comments.

He's the same age as me 19 little bit younger by 3 months but that dont count really.

Maybe ur right i shud probs get 2 know him better & see wat happens but @ the same time i aint gunna leae it that long so that he doesnt know that i like him.
Reply 16
Well I had never meet any1 off the internet before because i thought it was dangerous & ive never thought it was a wise idea but ive got myspace and ive now been talking to this guy for 2 years and i decided to meet up with him afew weeks ago. We get on so well that ive meet up with him quite alot we've been cinema & stuff and we seem to always be silly & childish together and he always makes me laugh. I feel Ive known him for along time & i havent had this much fun with anyone in years. He always comes to see my as well. & my little sis had a party a so i invited him along and it was gud he got on well wiv my family & my sisters mates but then he was asked where we meet & he came out with the internet i was quite embarrased cause i knew people would frown upon it. I guess i knew it wud probs cum out & id have 2 except it sooner or later. He then went on holiday & i did miss him & he brought me a pressie bk bless him. I think i have feelings growing & im beginning to fancy him & i know he hasnt been split wiv his ex for very long. I'm shy & dare not say anything does this seem strange?

I gather he lives nearby then?

You're probably being the typical naive teenager who's having feelings for the first guy you've ever liked. But as people have said, it's early days. You think you know the guy well when you never knew each other at all. I thought I knew my "ex" well after speaking with him like everyday for 3-5 months. Yeeesh my first "relationship" and certainly first kiss was a TSR guy. Let's just say I was very very naive.

I wouldn't advice you giving your heart away so early regardless of the whole online thing. Just get to know him, give it a year or so, then see how your feelings develop. Go slow, is my advice.