The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Yeah just shove a coat/dressing gown on :smile: No one really cares!!

EDIT: And have something on your feet!!!

Reply 2
Put a coat over your pyjamas, everyone will be in the same boat :biggrin:
Reply 3
You never know there's going to be one... just stick a coat on or whatnot and go outside and laugh at everyone's attire and grumble about the cold and which nob decided to set it off.
Hmm a chance to see pretty ladys in not much you get in any trouble for setting it off :wink:
Reply 5
Prison, that or they torture kittens infront of you. Be sensible (truely, don't forget it's there to save lives and many many prized possessions).
I was only joking with the idea, I don't want anyone to take it seriously.
Reply 7
i always used to just put my dressing gown on over my pjs... didnt have a coat... had a jacket but not much use really!
Reply 8
It's just really annoying if you sleep naked. Fumbling around trying to find some clothes. Ghey.
Reply 9
I know people who come out like sausage rolls, nothing wrong with that.
I know people who come out like sausage rolls, nothing wrong with that.

You mean wrapped tightly in a towel? due to lack of clothes?
Reply 11
I either just put my dressing gown on or grabbed a jacket. A lot of the time, I was still awake and dressed when they went off:rolleyes: .

Even more fun when you're still drunk from the night before as I found out, I didn't register I actually had to get up until someone bashed on my door for ages:rolleyes: .

Personally, they can **** right off if they think i'm getting out of bed.

They're not going to drag me out of bed for anything.
Reply 13
El Scotto

Personally, they can **** right off if they think i'm getting out of bed.

They're not going to drag me out of bed for anything.

Good luck with that. How ya gonna know if it's a drill or for real?
Good luck with that. How ya gonna know if it's a drill or for real?

The Arggggghhhhhhhh help i'm on fire....

My flesh....... My skin...........



should give it away.
Reply 15
Reply 16
apparently the smoke alarms are really sensitive. It said if people have kettles or any smoke or stea in the room it could set them off. Well i am wondering whether my hair straightners would set them off, when i use them the whole room is full of it after, but i cannot go without straightning my hair.
Reply 17
apparently the smoke alarms are really sensitive. It said if people have kettles or any smoke or stea in the room it could set them off. Well i am wondering whether my hair straightners would set them off, when i use them the whole room is full of it after, but i cannot go without straightning my hair.

Depends if they're heat or smoke detectors. I'm not sure steam would set them off though? Dunno.

The ones in our kitchen were heat detectors, because having a smoke detector in a kitchen is a bit silly, what with students burning toast etc.
Reply 18
a girl in my halls set it off with hair straighteners but i smoked all the time and it never set them off
Reply 19
A guy in our halls managed to set it off by throwing a tennis ball at it once.