yeah know how u feel i can be the shyest person in the world around new people and especially around big groups of people tht i do know, and it often seems to them tht im being rather quiet and strange but thts only cause im a naturally quiet person...Dont get me wrong i can also be the loudest person in the right environment. but personnaly i ve found tht some people actually get on with loads of people and make friends easily whilst others dont, just seems to depend on the person.
I did a lot of peer support last year at my school and we had loads of people in the same situation especially the first years about being shy etc but if its friends u want then the important thing is to advertise ureself, make ureself noticible, its very easy to hide away in the corner alone - ive done tht nd it sucks. try and engage in any coversations tht goes on, but in to their convos if you have to, if your at uni mayb join a few clubs or societies etc...those may seem difficult things to do, but u can - its all about will power and confidence, i.e when u walk into a room smile, look like ure a confident person at least and u'll be surprised what happens, but be ureself all the time.
ure not a reject or a loser cus no one no matter what their social status or their background deserves to be called that. Even try making friends with other people who may seem shy...