The Student Room Group


i'm miserable.
I'm always miserable, even though i have a loving family, no real money problems, am at a good uni and have a couple of really good friends (though not that many). I have suffered from eating disorders before but as i have grown i have put these mostly behind me, but now as a result of my general unhappiness i just feel very sad, lonely and often cry over very little things or nothing at all.
The fact that i am sad without reason actually makes me feel worse :frown: !!!

I don't know what to do. I have a history of depression in my family - my sister suffers from it and severe anorexia and is prone to self harm. I am unsure but i think my mum has been on antidepressants of some sort most of my life. but am i really depressed or just being pathetic. Ive been in therapy before - when my sister was very very ill - but was never put on medication so i assume the doctor though i'm just sad/melodramatic and that it's not a big enough deal to address.

does any feel/have a history of feeling like this? i can't cope with feeling guilty about feeling depressed anymore! i really need advice so any would be greatly appreciated. thankyou
Course it's a problem. Whether you're depressed or not, you're in a depressed family and you're feeling bad. The doctor, being human, will do anything so that they don't have your suicide on their conscience, as will anyone you know. Depression is serious and needs to be treated. And yeah, some people will take the piss. Some people on this thread will come and take the piss, I bet. But it's not just something you can shrug off - trust me, I am/have been depressed myself. :p: Go to the doctor's if you keep feeling bad.

How long has this gone on for? Ideally you should go if you're feeling down for no apparent reason for 1-2 weeks. After that you're kinda pushing it a bit.