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I can't talk to you!!......

Hiya, I'm a girl in yr 13; theres this lad i like in my chemistry class...he's in yr14, I think he's on a gap year. I used to like him when I was in yr12 and he was in yr 13... i was kinda gutted when I thought he was leaving to go to university but to find that he was in my chemistry class is a shock he he...

He seems like a really nice and funny guy. I always find myself looking at him and nope, I havn't spoken to him; yes I'm being silly! I'm too shy to talk to him...I don't know how to go about in getting to know him. I really can't say 'hi' incase he thinks I'm someone weird....


So what do you think and any good ideas :p: ? and questions for lads; would you like it if a random girl said 'hi' to you...

I feel like I'm 12 years old acting stoopid like this....haha...

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Reply 1
Year 14 doesn't exsist.
Reply 2
If you don't say hi how are you supposed to get to know him without conversation? Sounds like you are basing him on his looks, plus he has failed he doesn't need distracting. If you want to flirt with him do it outside the lesson.
Well "hi" is the best way to actually talk to someone! :smile: Its just being friendly.
Reply 4
As long as you're not a minger.

Guys love pretty girls talking to them.
Reply 5
Go over say "Hi". The words should come. Most guys will help you out because we know how hard it can be since we are supposed to initiate contact.

Year 14 does exist. It is there for people who either repeat or decide to stay on to add to their qualifications.
Technically thats just repeating year 13, not year 14.
Reply 7
If you don't say hi how are you supposed to get to know him without conversation? Sounds like you are basing him on his looks, plus he has failed he doesn't need distracting. If you want to flirt with him do it outside the lesson.

I don't know how he would react... I find it difficult to talk to someone I like. But if he was friends with me outside school; it would be easier. And I wasn't going to 'flirt' with him inside the classroom :p:.

I'm not basing him on looks, he seems like a really nice guy; he was talking and smiling to the people/ teacher all the time in the classroom which i thought was cute. He's quite shy as well... so i dunno how to get round to him.
Reply 8
Why don't you ask him to help you with your homework?

BTW year 14 doesn't exsist. sounds like he failed last year and is re-taking year 13 :smile:
Technically thats just repeating year 13, not year 14.

Does it matter.
Reply 10
Technically thats just repeating year 13, not year 14.

Does it really matter? ok, I should have said that he was repeating the year.
Its called year 14 though.
Reply 12
Why don't you ask him to help you with your homework?

BTW year 14 doesn't exsist. sounds like he failed last year and is re-taking year 13 :smile:

I know, thats why I thought he was going to university...but i just said yr 14 as meaning that he repeated.

I should have said 'repeated', soz if some people misunderstood.
Reply 13
I don't know how he would react... I find it difficult to talk to someone I like. But if he was friends with me outside school; it would be easier. And I wasn't going to 'flirt' with him inside the classroom :p:.

I'm not basing him on looks, he seems like a really nice guy; he was talking and smiling to the people/ teacher all the time in the classroom which i thought was cute. He's quite shy as well... so i dunno how to get round to him.

I know its hard but your best to talk to him like a friend, being nervous will not help but if he is a nice guy he will understand as a previous poster stated. Sounds like you have been observing him! Up to you to make the move if he is shy!

I wouldn't listen to someone who said ask him for help, no disrespect - he did fail. Although you could ask him if he wants to study together?
Reply 14
Why don't you ask him to help you with your homework?

BTW year 14 doesn't exsist. sounds like he failed last year and is re-taking year 13 :smile:

We done have any homework.. but I could just say hi and smile in the corridor or summit like that. I'll probably end up mumbling something stupid.
Reply 15
ask him for help..or if you have finsihed your work why dont you go over and ask if he needs help, just say your bored as your friends are talking about some next stuff or something like that
Reply 16
I know its hard but your best to talk to him like a friend, being nervous will not help but if he is a nice guy he will understand as a previous poster stated. Sounds like you have been observing him! Up to you to make the move if he is shy!

I wouldn't listen to someone who said ask him for help, no disrespect - he did fail. Although you could ask him if he wants to study together?

Yeah thats a good idea, I could ask if he likes to study together but wouldn't that be weird... just asking if after I said hi :p:
Reply 17
Year 14 doesn't exsist.

Maybe you'd like to explain why my results slip read my name and 'Year 14' :smile:
Reply 18
ask him for help..or if you have finsihed your work why dont you go over and ask if he needs help, just say your bored as your friends are talking about some next stuff or something like that

OOoo thats a good idea... I could also ask for some notes I might have missed in class...

I can't believe I'm planning what to do... i don't usually do this as I usually have the confidence to talk to guys... but him; I can't lol.
Reply 19
The debate about year 14 isn't helping is it? Give some useful advice people!