The Student Room Group
Reply 1
In theory yes, it should be done. Mostly though it is up to the man to sort it out. Sometimes the woman.
Yeah, the man is seen as the cash cow.
I think it would depend if the debt was taken out in joint names or in one parties name. Debt in one parties name can be offset against their assets, however, you can't just give debt to a partner your leaving.
Reply 4
I think it would depend if the debt was taken out in joint names or in one parties name. Debt in one parties name can be offset against their assets, however, you can't just give debt to a partner your leaving.

You're married. All finacial resposibilty is shared.
Reply 5
Unless 1 party decides to declare themselves bankrupt (but secretly go out and buy designer clothes and cars every 2 seconds) thus lumbering the whole of the debt on the other party - it happened!
Reply 6
Yeah but if the man has all the debt can he give the woman the debt even though the woman doesn't work?
Not so sure, i don't think the woman would be liable for the man's debt if they split up.
Reply 8
The law favours the women in such things. Just a social thing. It is however, slowly changing.
Reply 9
**** getting married
Bloody women.
Reply 11
lolz :P
Way the economy is, it's better to get married. Take average wage to be £20k (for arguements sake) and av. house price £250k. You can get around 5-7 times your wage for a mortagage. Thats around £140k. With both it is around £280k.

Of course this isn't a good reason to get married... or buy a house. :smile:
Hi I doubt many of you will know this but if two parties are divorcing, and one side has a lot of debt and claims the other side made most of it, is it possible to split the debt between the two?

depends if you can prove it or not.

If you had a joint account then the debts will be even...

do you have reciepts? or things listing where this debt came from?
if you can prove its the other persons debt... then you've got a good case.