The Student Room Group
Reply 1
past responsibilities?
Reply 2
yeah mention things that you've done before that shows that you've always been an active part in school life such as helping out during open evenings perhaps.

Your personal qualities- dedication, punctuality, being well organised etc.
Reply 3
I was applying for prefect too this year but i got experience from last term anyway the teacher is looking for person with responsibility and willingness to help others. You could mentioned some stuff you helped in the past at school like organizing a fund aise or something then you say what can you contribute? Being an Organiser? Supervisor? Community Service ,etc but really I just took the job to get the privilages prefects got:p:
Reply 4
I agree with everyones comments about responsibility and helping out at school but do you know if they will even read these applications? At my school they got us to write something like 250 words on why we would be good prefects and then just picked names out of a box.

Assuming they will I would also mention any team based activities you have done.
Reply 5
Just basically mention anything that you have given to the school or what you have done for the school in the past eg on the netball team etc, helping out at parents evening, playing in the band. All extra curricular activitys.
Reply 6
Yeah, extra curricular things are really good, such as Dof E, school council, etc, firstly because they show you're really keen, and secondly they make you well known in your year group, as you're meeting more people.
At my school, you filled in an application form, a shortlist was formed and then there were staff and pupil votes. The application form was a very insignificant part of the process; only the ones who always stand smoking at the school gates did not make the shortlist.
Reply 7
My school made everyone prefects! it was actually a snub if you werent made a prefect hahaha.

Just mention how youve shown leadership and resposiblity in school in the past
Reply 8
^^ My school handed out the prefect badges this week. There is 28 Lead Prefects, and 20 Prefects. It is so stupid because there was actually meant to be 1 Lead Prefect for every 4 Prefects!!! All the Lead Prefects had to go for an interview with the head and other senior people, while the prefects just had to fill in an application form and a letter of application. I am now a prefect, but lots of people said i could have gone for Lead, but i don't really want to. My best friend is one, and she has to go to an office twice a week and watch CCTV and then use the walkie-talkies to tell senior management (who will be on patrol) if theres a fight or bullying or anything :rolleyes: I really don't want to get into all that nonsense, not to mention going into school one day early! By the way, it was announced yesterday that they are having a second round of prefect applications to make up the numbers! I think there was so many good people for Lead Prefect that they just ended up with too many! Anyway, rant over. :smile:
Reply 9
Oh, and in my school the application for and letter of application wer very important, that is what practially decided if you were to be a Prefect or not. :biggrin:
Reply 10
Same as everyone has said really- mention occasions where you've helped out in the past; how you'd like to be part of a team; mention that you think it will be a great experience to give you opportunity.

At my school my year was the first where they elected year 10 prefects (the beginning of the last academic year), and there are twenty of us at the time. We're carrying on for the first few months of year eleven now, until about October I think. On top of that there are about 20 or so year twelves and thirteens.

Like Bexy, my school picked us solely on the basis of our application; so I wouldn't neglect it. We had to fill in a form which had a space at the bottom where you could write 150 words as to why you wanted to get the job. Then they read the application forms; looked at the records to see who had a history of after school detentions etc; and then looked at our uniform infringement card records (we get it signed each time a teacher notices you with your shirt out, skirt rolled up etc.) Then our head of year; the headteacher and the head of pastoral care got together and selected us.

Good luck! I hope you get it. :smile: I wasn't sure what it would be like, and while it does take quite a bit of your time, you do build better relationships with teachers and they tend to treat you with a bit more respect.
Reply 11
There are only 12 prefects at my school
all thats wel and good except when u have to actually write the letter..
anyone know of a site or sumthing where i can find sample prefect application letters??

Any help would be grateful since i havent started my letter and i have to hand it in on Saturday.. :frown:

THANXX :wink:
Reply 13
all thats wel and good except when u have to actually write the letter..
anyone know of a site or sumthing where i can find sample prefect application letters??

Any help would be grateful since i havent started my letter and i have to hand it in on Saturday.. :frown:

THANXX :wink:

I'm not sure that you can get them. It's just one of those things where it's best to be honest and say what you really think. Rather than thinking of what you believe they'd like to hear (because I'm sure they could well get sick of x many letters saying: "I have great leadership skills; however I work well in a team too :smile:"), try to think of what you'd like to get out of it. Do you think it'll help you in the future having taken on a role of responsibility? Do you want to get more involved in school?

Don't worry too much about the length- if you can't think of a great deal to say, just make sure what you do write is precise and to the point. Talk about your qualities which would make you personally suitable for the job as opposed to anyone else.

Good luck! :smile:
Reply 14
My school made everyone prefects! it was actually a snub if you werent made a prefect hahaha.

same here, cant believe people having to apply!! We just have some people who aren't allowed to be ones.
Just don't be a form prefect if you want to maintain your sanity. I prefect the ultimate emo form and they're only year 9s. it hurts my eyes.
when i was a prefect we didn't apply we were chosen by staff and then asked if we wanted to be a prefect. there were only about 20 in my year. I was in joint in charge of them all as well as i was head girl, again chosen by staff not something i applied for.
Reply 16
If you have to write a letter to your headmaster or skith form tutor etc Dont leave anything out. I applied and didnt get the position. Why? I tried to make my letter short and concise~3/4 A4 written. Thats 250 words roughly. I then saw somebody printing off his letter in the IT room. Was a whopping 1.5 pages A4 standard font. Trying to be short and concise was a fatal flaw (for me) I would recommend doing the whole shabang and going all out.
Reply 17
Our school knew who they wanted to pick for the position before we even sent in our letters of application.
Reply 18
i'd never have applied to be a prefect. in our school (even tho it's a good public school), the pupils and teachers just tick who they'd like and the head chooses. so i was chosen by un called for reasons really. i wouldn't deliberate too long over it. many many people are prefects and won't stand out on UCAS or anything.
sorry, that was completely irrelevant so ban me or something if you have to. haha. on the application form- just put down things you've ACTUALLY done that prove you'll be good. say you like talking over peoples personal problems. they like that.