Hey thanks for all the help with this.
The innocent smoothies are just pressed fruit. I am very aware that a lot of smoothies come from concentrate or contain barely any fruit, hence I drink the Innocent ones, which can count for five a day if you buy the right ones. I actually forgot to put in that I do manage to eat some fresh fruit, it's hard on my stomach, but I manage most days to get some portions of it. I eat every 2 and a half to 3 hours as well and that really helps.
As for my mums cooking, I do go shopping with her and encourage her to buy non-microwave meals and I'll cook dinner sometimes too just to get good chicken or something.
I have noticed if I wake up earlier than usual, say for work, I feel very sick for most of the day. So I have a routine for bedtime!
As for wheat, the all bran etc was recommended by my doctor so I really don't know what to think there. I don't see how else to get a lot of fibre in my diet if not by all bran type things?
Thanks for all your help!