The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Stop and think before doing anything.

Like my father says:

"Engage brain before opening mouth."
Reply 2
or as my pa said "think before you speak"

count to 10 and all that.

I tend to use triggers, went I recognise certain emotions it triggers a concious thought in my head to calm down and take control. Step back take some deep breaths, be the grown up and difuse the situation.

Even this post may be enough, next time you get angry this might pop into your head giving you the chance to get a grip. Its a well used technique.

else apply for counciling...
Reply 3
Thanks for your replies. any-more ideas of controlling mt anger.
Reply 4
Best way is to remove yourself from the situation that makes you angry asap. Excuse yourself, go to a quiet place and take your time to calm down. Then go back to the person that make you angry and try to solve the problem.

Try some breathing exercise and yoga. To be honest any form of sport can be helpful.

It takes time to learn new behaviour so don't give up if you can't manage your anger as well as you would like at the begining. Just keep trying.
Don't know if this will help just found something on google
Reply 6
Go for a run, as said above any form of sport. It will release endorphines and tire you out so you will be happier/calmer and even if you're not, then you won't have the energy to be angry anyway.
hang around people harder than you

its amazing the effect it has, one of my mates had all these "anger issues" and loves to shout and start on people but strangely when he's hanging round his mate whos a boxer, he never seems to get aggressive round him?
We have a punch bag in our garage and whenever I'd get angry I'd go outside and release my anger on it - it felt so good to have something I could use without hurting anyone else!!!