The Student Room Group

Wisdom tooth/throat infection?

For the last few weeks, one of my upper wisdom teeth has been coming through. It hasnt yet come through the gum, but its really sore, my jaw has been swollen and Ive had trouble opening my mouth.

A few days ago my tooth seemed a lot better, no pain, and jaw is back to normal. But Ive now been left with a really sore throat, making it difficult to swallow. I had a look yesterday and Ive got huge white lumps on the one side of my throat and at the back of my mouth.

Im not sure if this sounds like an infection or not, Im confused because I orginally thought it was because of my wisdom tooth, but now it seems as though the problem could be my throat, or are the two connected?

Has anyone else had similar symptoms to this when wisdom teeth were coming through?

Im going to visit my GP tomorrow anyway if the lumps havent gone by then, as its painful to eat and swallow.
Hmm... sounds to me like an infection. I think white lumps are a symptom of strep infection but I know nothing...
Definately go see your doctor tomorrow.

I know whenever my wisdom teeth start moving I get a cold so it could be connected.
Oh babe!! That must be terrible..

Listerine works wonders for a sore mouth, even if it does taste like turpentine.
Reply 3
I had that, aparently as the gum by the wisdom tooth is looser than normal [to allow the tooth to come through] it is easier for bacteria to get in and therefore create an infection which does spread easily. I didnt have a throat infection but i had something similar if i rememeber, go to the doctors and see if they have something that can get rid of the pain!
Reply 4
For the last few weeks, one of my upper wisdom teeth has been coming through. It hasnt yet come through the gum, but its really sore, my jaw has been swollen and Ive had trouble opening my mouth.

A few days ago my tooth seemed a lot better, no pain, and jaw is back to normal. But Ive now been left with a really sore throat, making it difficult to swallow. I had a look yesterday and Ive got huge white lumps on the one side of my throat and at the back of my mouth.

Im not sure if this sounds like an infection or not, Im confused because I orginally thought it was because of my wisdom tooth, but now it seems as though the problem could be my throat, or are the two connected?

Has anyone else had similar symptoms to this when wisdom teeth were coming through?

Im going to visit my GP tomorrow anyway if the lumps havent gone by then, as its painful to eat and swallow.

Hey ive had the exact same symptoms as wisdom teeth have started to come in (but at the bottom not top :smile:) and it was hurting quite a bit. I thought it was getting better but now i have those white lumpy things at the back of my mouth and that little tongue thing (sorry dont kno what its properly called) too :confused:

I havent been to the docs yet, but my friends told me it was tonsilitus? Anyway i am leavin mine for a few days to see of it improves but if it doesn't, i will try to go to the doctors later this week.

Gr8 timing since i have to go back to uni this weekend :rolleyes: Anyway, hope ur throat gets better..if u can, post what the docs tell u on here :p:
For the last few weeks, one of my upper wisdom teeth has been coming through. It hasnt yet come through the gum, but its really sore, my jaw has been swollen and Ive had trouble opening my mouth.

A few days ago my tooth seemed a lot better, no pain, and jaw is back to normal. But Ive now been left with a really sore throat, making it difficult to swallow. I had a look yesterday and Ive got huge white lumps on the one side of my throat and at the back of my mouth.

Im not sure if this sounds like an infection or not, Im confused because I orginally thought it was because of my wisdom tooth, but now it seems as though the problem could be my throat, or are the two connected?

Has anyone else had similar symptoms to this when wisdom teeth were coming through?

Im going to visit my GP tomorrow anyway if the lumps havent gone by then, as its painful to eat and swallow.

sounds like you've got a touch on tonsilitis there chuck.
Reply 6
sounds like strep throat to me too.

Does it look like this? Don't click if you are any way squeamish

It feels like you are swalling a golf ball! A course of antibiotics and you'll start to feel better after 24hrs I reckon.

PS. I am not a doctor or a dentist so this is just laymans opinion so don't sue me!!

Edit oh and from personal experience it didn't get better on it's own. It only got to the can't sleep at night kinda agony so I'd advise going to the docs before it gets too bad.
Reply 7
I had pretty much this exact problem. I couldn't eat for a few days - sucked loads.

Make sure you tell your GP how bad it is, even exaggerate if necessary, as mine wasn't taken seriously at first which made it spread.
And now I have a sore throat!! Although I'll blame this one on my Dad spreading his cold around, not my wisdom teeth as they're not doing anything at the moment.
Reply 9
geesh, i feel ya pain mate, been there and done that sadly! Sounds really normal to me, it will pass, just remember to keep those teeth clean. Repeated infections will make ya dentist wanna pull 'em - eek!

Things like gargling with Corsodyl, hot salty water, etc will help.
Reply 10
omg - this exact same thing has just happened to me.... this week infact, it was so bad i didnt even go out for my 19th.. :O well i did but not when i was meant to...

try something called difflam spray - ya can only get it from pharmacies/chemist etc its £5.99 - so dont let the doctor try n prescribe it to you for £6.65...

it works wonders.. seriouslyits the best thing ever.. numbs its straight away... no pain for a while..then just another quick spray when it hurts and its all good again!!

Hope this helps!!

For the last few weeks, one of my upper wisdom teeth has been coming through. It hasnt yet come through the gum, but its really sore, my jaw has been swollen and Ive had trouble opening my mouth.

A few days ago my tooth seemed a lot better, no pain, and jaw is back to normal. But Ive now been left with a really sore throat, making it difficult to swallow. I had a look yesterday and Ive got huge white lumps on the one side of my throat and at the back of my mouth.

Im not sure if this sounds like an infection or not, Im confused because I orginally thought it was because of my wisdom tooth, but now it seems as though the problem could be my throat, or are the two connected?

Has anyone else had similar symptoms to this when wisdom teeth were coming through?

Im going to visit my GP tomorrow anyway if the lumps havent gone by then, as its painful to eat and swallow.

Sounds like tonsillitis to me.
Reply 12
sounds like strep throat to me too.

Does it look like this? Don't click if you are any way squeamish


Wow thats a really nasty infection!

Still feels sore today and the lumps are still there, (although nowhere near as bad as that picture thank god!), so will def. go to the docs tomorrow, couldnt get an appt today.

Thanks for the replies everyone.
Reply 13
I went to the docs today about mine...but it was tonsilitus. I got some penicillin though so hopefully that will clear it up. Good luck with all of yours! :smile:
I got something like that when one of my wisdom teeth was coming through, went to the dentist and it turned out the tooth was impacted, apparently this means it's easier to get an infection? Anyway it sounds like something similar, definitely go see your doc or dentist (obviously either can give you the antibiotics to clear it up) ASAP. Good luck with it :smile: