For the last few weeks, one of my upper wisdom teeth has been coming through. It hasnt yet come through the gum, but its really sore, my jaw has been swollen and Ive had trouble opening my mouth.
A few days ago my tooth seemed a lot better, no pain, and jaw is back to normal. But Ive now been left with a really sore throat, making it difficult to swallow. I had a look yesterday and Ive got huge white lumps on the one side of my throat and at the back of my mouth.
Im not sure if this sounds like an infection or not, Im confused because I orginally thought it was because of my wisdom tooth, but now it seems as though the problem could be my throat, or are the two connected?
Has anyone else had similar symptoms to this when wisdom teeth were coming through?
Im going to visit my GP tomorrow anyway if the lumps havent gone by then, as its painful to eat and swallow.