The Student Room Group

What to do?

Hi. I move away to uni very soon, but there is somthing bugging me at home. I have got new neighbours who have moved in next door. Thier son is dead fit and i realy, realy, realy like him. I know that there is no chance of a relationship because I'm movnig away soon, but I'd like to talk to him before I go. I've tried on many occasions, but never actualy managed to do it. I've seen him around while he has been walking his dogs and I've been walking mine. Keep trying to get more than a smile out, but never works.

Any advice on what I could do. I'll kick myself if I move away and don't actually speak to him! I'll be back home from time to time, but never long enough realy to work on anything like this. If only I could establish some sort of communication before I go!

Why not invite him for a drink down for example maybe at the local pub and simply get to know him a little bit more.
Reply 2
Perfect....your dogs need to meet and go on a walk together! :biggrin:

Seriously though go up and ask him if he fancies walking his dogs with you and yours, safety in numbers and all that! :smile:
Reply 3
I should have maybe said that he is 16 and I'm 17
Perfect....your dogs need to meet and go on a walk together! :biggrin:

Seriously though go up and ask him if he fancies walking his dogs with you and yours, safety in numbers and all that! :smile:

Somehow you need to get your dog to mate his. Then everything should fall into place. What? :smile: :frown:
Let your dog go when you see him coming, run after the dog and apologise then initiate conversation e.g 'so you've just moved in next door, how do you like the area? :biggrin: (don't forget the cheesy grin! :p:) Basically just plan when to bump into him :p: as obsessive as it sounds lol. Or hint to your parents to invite the new neighbours round...ooor go round and say you have run out of 'elastic bands' and you really need one so could you borrow one :rolleyes: SOMETHING like that :biggrin: Good luck with everything xxx
Reply 6
I suppose the dogs are the way into conversation. I've purposely timed takin gmy dog out shortly after I've seen him, but we just sorta pass each other. I alwasy smile and look down at the dog pretending to make sure she isn't going to attack anyone or anything.

It's realy annoying as i used to be realy outgoing and would yalk to everyone and anyone. Now hormones have started to play their part!
Reply 7
Just call round.