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Reply 1
I neither encourage it nor discourage it. Race is a non-issue to me.
Reply 2
I feel GREAT about them. Though my boyfriend's Italian aunt said to him 'You're going out with some arabic girl, aren't you?' :eek:
Reply 3
How do you feel about interracial relationships? Do you think its right or do you believe certain ppl need to be with certain ppl? Would you encourage interracial relationships or keep quite about it as if it was embarrassing?

Not an embarassing thing, for me anyway.

I am half white, half oriental. Dating an arab guy for the past 3 years. Our kids would be beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful :biggrin: I'm really proud of our 'mis-matching'.

When my parents got married, both their families hated it. The white side of the family hated my mama, the oriental side hated my dad. But screw them, because my bro and I turned out way better looking & well rounded than all of them muahaha.

It's neither right or wrong. Who cares? Though I can understand why some families may want their sons/daughters to marry of the same kind. But different people want different things anyway.
It doesn't bother me, but i've personally not ever been attracted enough to anyone of a different race to fancy them.
Reply 5
You should all look at Rose & Bernard off Lost. Best interracial couple ever?

You betchya! :p:
Reply 6
What is the point in this, not only has it been done many times, it always gets the same result, so here i am, shamelessly increasing my post count.
Reply 7
Race doesn't matter to me. We are all human beings at the end of the day.
Reply 8
You should all look at Rose & Bernard off Lost. Best interracial couple ever?

Reply 9

My grandad said that if I dated a "monkey" (i.e. someone who isn't white, because he is ridiculously ignorant and prejudice, this is NOT my view!) he would pretty much disown me. What a w****r. There is absoluetly nothing at all wrong/bad/unnatural about interracial relationships! It's the person inside that counts :smile:
I don't see a problem with it at all. Although i've never been attracted to anyone from a different race, this could possibly because the social opportunities to meet people from a variety of races has never arisen.

I went to a Catholic school and in my year there were two black people, one chinese person, and no other 'ethnic minorities'. That changed at sixth form though.
Jeez it doesn't matter at all. What is it with old people? my nan is a racist too.
Theres nothing wrong with them at all. And what Jenski said
Reply 13
i remember once my mother telling me 'if you ever bring home a black person, we'll disown you'

so that was a nice thing for her to say.
Can we just stop this thread now? The generaly consensus is that people aren't bothered by race.
Reply 15
Why are you so afraid of a little open debate?
Reply 16
You should all look at Rose & Bernard off Lost. Best interracial couple ever?

You betchya! :p:

No! Dr. Burke and Dr. Yang from Grey's Anatomy are the best interracial couple on TV. :redface:

As for real life, I think interracial couples need a strong relationship to keep them together otherwise, differences will get in the way. Each race being unique, it might be hard to understand each other. Also, when you're of a different race from the person you love, there's always a side of them that will be hard for you to reach. Again, that's because of differences.
Reply 17
i dont understand what there is to debate about, anyone who disagrees will be barked off as a racist and anyone who says it will be difficult for the kids will be named ignorant gg...

How do you feel about interracial relationships? Do you think its right or do you believe certain ppl need to be with certain ppl? Would you encourage interracial relationships or keep quite about it as if it was embarrassing?

only thing that bugs me, is when you browse at people, like i do everyone, they give you this ....*omg dont be racist* look.

oh..and i should be with Kiera Knightly.
Why are you so afraid of a little open debate?
Where did I say I was afraid of open debate? But the fact of the matter is, there is no debate, everyone has given the same response, and it has been done to death already.
Reply 19
oh..and i should be with Kiera Knightly.

I used to be in love with Keira, then I fell for Jessica Alba.

Where did I say I was afraid of open debate? But the fact of the matter is, there is no debate, everyone has given the same response, and it has been done to death already.

Not everybody has been on TSR for a million years, it might be a new topic to some people. And maybe someone will give a different response or a different perspective at some point. Nobody is making you read this topic, if you don't like it then simply don't open it up. It's not rocket science.