The Student Room Group


Right, well, sorry if this is a long one!... my boyfriend, ex as of today, has pissed me off for the last time. In the course of our relationship, he slept with someone behind my back, denyed it when i first asked him about it, lied about various things and basically has been a bit of a cock. Today, i have found out that he's been messaging girls on myspace calling them sexy etc :smile: ... and when i text him asking him what he thought he was doing he acted pretty much like the dick that he is, and so we arranged for me to go to his house after i had finished work because i didnt want to break up over text message after 10 months, i didnt think it was right. So, off i go to his house, get there, suprise suprise his mum answers the door and says he's gone 2 his mates house! And now his mum thinks he's a little angel so i told her all about what he's like and she was really nice about it... Anyway, so i said is it okay if i nip to his room and pick up some of my stuff, she said yes of course. I go upstairs, get into his room, and oh look! his shiny new armani watch he got from new york is on the side :biggrin: so i accidentally put it in my pocket, and his mum gave me a lift home and thats where i am now!
My question is, what should i do with this watch now? (really didnt think too far ahead of myself lol) and does anyone have any good ideas for revenge?

Thankyou to anyone who takes the time to read this :p: and i know revenge is immature and might not make me feel better in the long run, but it will do for the moment :smile:

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Reply 1
Give his watch back to him. You don't want to lose the moral high ground, and destroying/stealing an expensive watch can only lead to legal trouble for you.
Revenge is a dish best served cold, just completely ignore him, shes no longer part of your life, no offence but i think it was immature on your part to take his watch.
i know full well its immature trust me! its just i know its his favourite thing :smile: and trust me, if it was one of my friends id be saying the exact same thing you lot are saying, but im just so mad!
You know what would be more enjoying, is giving him a lack of reaction, totally ignoring him and moving on with your life, just do not sink to his level.
Reply 5
i dont thaink that stealing is the answer and i dont think that revenge is either.. i know you feel realy mad at the moment and quite undetstandably but by stealing his watch and wanting to get revenge you are no better than your cock of a boyfreind, insted just dump him and put it down to experience and move on
actually, i think i probably did it more just to worry him, cos i know he will poo his pants when he realises ive got it and im pissed off....i completely agree with you but its just so difficult when u just want 2 basically smash someone's face in :biggrin: lol
keep it and dont say a word. dont ask about the watch, dont tak about the watch, and most importantly hide it in a good not on a shelf
Smear poo poo over it
Reply 9
If he finds out you've got it though, I doubt it'll be worry he'll be feeling - he'll more than likely get very very angry and with good reason. Then things will just turn nasty.
If he finds out you've got it though, I doubt it'll be worry he'll be feeling - he'll more than likely get very very angry and with good reason. Then things will just turn nasty.
Yep, I agree with this. Go round to his house when you know he wont be there, and pretend you have left something else that you forgot about last time, and take the watch back, but put it in a drawer or something so that he finds it, and thinks he just put it there for some reason...

Or go round and see him, and put it somewhere you know he'll find it when he nips for a toilet break.
smear tippex over the watch face and send it back, second class of course.
Sell it on ebay.

You can't get in legal trouble because there is no evidence that you took the watch and that it wasn't mislayed. And he is not going to incur massive legal costs.
Deny you took it keep it.

This is probably immoral by the way.
Reply 13
Give it back. There's no point being petty about it all.
Reply 14
be very nice to him one day and tell him you want to go out for dinner, then when you are out put the watch in water over night and give it too him in a plastic bad, still with water in it (maybe poo if you can all mixed....) then slap him on the face and throw it on his face
might not be the best but a try! lol
I'd buy a gun and shoot him in the balls and make him eat the watch.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Pop it down the side of the bed or something when he's out of the room or something...deny all knowledge of it...but make sure it has a teensy (or not) little scratch on it!
Reply 17
Tell him you cheated on him with someone who is HIV positive and say you're going to get tested for it, and say you think it's a really good idea for him to go get tested too.
oh no i told the girl he slept with that he's got chlamydia n she should probably get herself checked out :biggrin:
oh no i told the girl he slept with that he's got chlamydia n she should probably get herself checked out :biggrin:

Did she know about you? If not, then that was a really cruel thing to do :frown:. If so, then it's all good :biggrin:.