Sorry this is a bit of a long one and kind of gets a bit detailed, for which I apologise, but I feel is essential in order to recreate the overall situation I find myself in.
I’ve been dating this lady for over a year now, and I love her to bits, and I know she feels a lot for me, if not love itself. She’s told me that she loves me and that she really wants to be my girl and stuff but recent events have led me to think maybe she doesn’t or isn’t feeling me anymore.
Now, we have been speaking to each other on the phone every day for the last year, and it was proper intense, up until 2 weeks ago, when we went out. We had an amazing evening, and she even told me so, and things were getting a bit hot and heavy, but that’s how it always is with us whenever we meet and talk even on the phone.
The thing is, we both got drunk and we were speaking about us and sex and how she imagines it and how we'd be good etc. We have been wanting to more or less since we met, but time is really hard to find between work, college, and family being around (especially when my dad is always at home - retired) and we also don’t want to rush it
She was lying in my lap, and I was feeling her so much and really wanted to pleasure her – it felt right. I caressed her and I’m sure she was enjoying it. Eventually I put a hand into her jeans but outside her knickers and not all the way down, just so if she was uncomfortable I would be able to tell and she would have a chance to tell me, without just jumping straight in so to speak.
Thing is, that she was comfortable with it and didn’t freeze up or anything and smiled, but she asked me if was taking advantage of her because she was drunk. I’d never take advantage of her – ever, so I pulled out and explained that to her. We continued kissing and holding and stuff, and she told me that she loves me a lot when left.
Thing is, I spoke to her the next day and everything was good between us still, and then I didn’t hear from her for a week. I then chatted to her last week for literally 3 minutes and she told me she'd been busy and stuff, and I was like fair enough. She also mentioned something about feeling like a tw*t for getting drunk. She then promised to phone me on the weekend, and didn't. Since then I still haven’t chatted to her, and I sent her a text saying ‘ring me when you have time’.
Also, I planned a big birthday for her, and she couldn’t make it last minute, as she wasn’t really local.
Yet two weeks later, she complained to me how a friend of hers invited her to see him, and how she travelled for like 2 hours and got lost and stuff and he didn’t really seem to care. That annoyed the hell out of me, as she just randomly went to this mate of hers, but couldn’t be bothered (for want of a better word) to travel to see me for her birthday, when I would have picked her up from the station, driven her there and dropped her off home. (I know she doesn’t fancy this friend and she told me she would never get with him so I’m not worried on that front)
I mean what can I do? I want to talk to her, but I’m not going to keep ringing her all the time and she seems to not want to phone me or whatever.
I haven’t exactly had a chance to talk to her about the aforementioned annoyances, but since then, the more I think about it the more it annoys me. I really do love her to bits, but I don’t feel like I can keep this up. I also know it’s only been 3ish weeks, but this is really the first time we haven't chatted for so long.
Can anyone see why this is happening?
Am I just overreacting? It’s just so frustrating.
Is it really that unreasonable to expect even 10 minutes of her day just to phone me, or whatever?
should that whole thing with her mate piss me off? or is it a minor thing thats not worth worrying about?
Sorry once again for the longgg post and for anything else.