As long as I don't actually do anything about it, there's nothing wrong with it.
Then again, my idol is the Grim Reaper, I have a fascination with death, and to me, one of the most beautiful places is a cemetery. I am currently designing a coffin to make for my room as a wardrobe.
I'm not a true sadist, I am just fascinated with death, and pain / sadism is all linked to death. How much can the human body cope with before it finally succumbs to Death's toll?
It all depends on the person as to what is "normal" for them. I regularly read autopsy reports (with photographs) whilst I eat my lunch or dinner, where as many of my friends take one look and feel sick, some also think it's perfectly fine.
Anonymous user number 1 is perfectly sane and normal by general terms, and in my opinion, isn't a sadist if they don't see themselves inflicting the pain.
I am also sane, but by different terms.