The Student Room Group


I'm so embarrassed to admit this (and I really don't want to) Oh God, here goes... I bet you're all going to think I'm a freak and totally abnormal for saying this...Do any of you sometimes have sadistic fantasies? (but not sexual in any way)... I'm not talking hardcore either.

In my imagination I'm never the one perpertrating the act either it has to be someone else and it's usually against someone I don't like, I just imagine them suffering then after that I feel somewhat relieved and don't feel so angry towards them...

It's just bizarre... I've never shared this anyone. No one would talk to me if they knew I had disturbing thoughts like this... even though it's only about once a month when these ''disturbing'' thoughts occur it's makes me feel really odd. Seriously odd...

Am I seriously abnormal? I feel like I'm demented at times, I'm normal in every other aspect of my life and have friends and so on. I really don't know why I have these weird thoughts sometimes...


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Reply 1
As long as your not acting on them I don't think there is anything weird about it at all, everyone has probably imagined something similar, I have definitely thought about people I don't like getting hurt, its a lot healthier to imagine it than think about it. I wouldn't let it worry you, as long as no one really gets hurt:smile:

Doh! Healthier to think about it than do it! Sorry, I am dumb.
As long as your not acting on them I don't think there is anything weird about it at all, everyone has probably imagined something similar, I have definitely thought about people I don't like getting hurt, its a lot healthier to imagine it than think about it. I wouldn't let it worry you, as long as no one really gets hurt:smile:

What's the difference?
OP, totally normal.
Reply 3
I dont think id really describe that as sadism.

Wishing nasty things upon people you dont like :smile: Most of us do that from time to time.
Reply 4
Do you mean do I ever get the urge to cause someone immense pain? Yes, yes I do...only rarely mind you. Usually a kick in the groin is enough...
Reply 5
You just sound like you want to hurt someone you don't like... which on the face of it doesn't seem to be a problem at all - I don't see how you can feel that this is anything out of the ordinary, and I'm sure everyone's wanted to throw a few punches and things now and again.
I have many sadistic thoughts, and I have thought many a time what it would feel like to hold someone's beating heart in my hand, or to see what the human body can tolerate.

When I have been either involved in, or have seen the aftermath of fights, I have been drawn to the sight of blood and of wounds. I have seen a knife stuck hilt deep in someone's shoulder and I was asking them what it felt like having a blade driven into their skin, tearing through the muscle etc...

All that said though, I don't consider myself a freak, or anything like that because of those thoughts, because I have the mental strength not to act upon them.

If you really were a sadist, you'd be thinking about doing these things to random people you see and it would be you doing it to them. I have many sadist friends, and they go to these fetish clubs where you stick meat hooks through people's skin and you hang them up. That is the sort of thing if you enjoy the sound of that, would be sadism.
Reply 7
The Canadian
I have many sadistic thoughts, and I have thought many a time what it would feel like to hold someone's beating heart in my hand, or to see what the human body can tolerate.

When I have been either involved in, or have seen the aftermath of fights, I have been drawn to the sight of blood and of wounds. I have seen a knife stuck hilt deep in someone's shoulder and I was asking them what it felt like having a blade driven into their skin, tearing through the muscle etc...

All that said though, I don't consider myself a freak, or anything like that because of those thoughts, because I have the mental strength not to act upon them.

If you really were a sadist, you'd be thinking about doing these things to random people you see and it would be you doing it to them. I have many sadist friends, and they go to these fetish clubs where you stick meat hooks through people's skin and you hang them up. That is the sort of thing if you enjoy the sound of that, would be sadism.


Heh, that's the kinda responce I like :p:
Reply 9
Heheh, ive obviously lived a sheltered life :smile:
The Canadian
I have many sadistic thoughts, and I have thought many a time what it would feel like to hold someone's beating heart in my hand, or to see what the human body can tolerate.

When I have been either involved in, or have seen the aftermath of fights, I have been drawn to the sight of blood and of wounds. I have seen a knife stuck hilt deep in someone's shoulder and I was asking them what it felt like having a blade driven into their skin, tearing through the muscle etc...

All that said though, I don't consider myself a freak, or anything like that because of those thoughts, because I have the mental strength not to act upon them.

If you really were a sadist, you'd be thinking about doing these things to random people you see and it would be you doing it to them. I have many sadist friends, and they go to these fetish clubs where you stick meat hooks through people's skin and you hang them up. That is the sort of thing if you enjoy the sound of that, would be sadism.

While I can't really judge the OP because I dunno just how sadistic his/her sadistic thoughts are, I'm going to go out on a limb and say this sort of fascination isn't healthy.
As long as I don't actually do anything about it, there's nothing wrong with it.

Then again, my idol is the Grim Reaper, I have a fascination with death, and to me, one of the most beautiful places is a cemetery. I am currently designing a coffin to make for my room as a wardrobe.

I'm not a true sadist, I am just fascinated with death, and pain / sadism is all linked to death. How much can the human body cope with before it finally succumbs to Death's toll?

It all depends on the person as to what is "normal" for them. I regularly read autopsy reports (with photographs) whilst I eat my lunch or dinner, where as many of my friends take one look and feel sick, some also think it's perfectly fine.

Anonymous user number 1 is perfectly sane and normal by general terms, and in my opinion, isn't a sadist if they don't see themselves inflicting the pain.

I am also sane, but by different terms.
Reply 12
Not really fantasies I have, but I wouldn't consider them to be abnormal.
Reply 13
its ok to fantasise, never worry about that, but know the boundries of society and act within them. Plenty of people enjoy such fantasies and go some way to act them out in controlled conensual environments, some internet research will show up many groups and societies for more indepth discussion and provide an outlet and help you understand your thoughts. If you are really concerned, seek professional help.
I often have sadistic thoughts about Goths and other death-obsessed freaks. It involves them dangling lifelessly with a rope around their necks.
I often have sadistic thoughts about Goths and other death-obsessed freaks. It involves them dangling lifelessly with a rope around their necks.

Reply 16
a lot of people i know have dreams like that.
pretty much everyone i know has had a dream about someone they really don't like dead..
i've never had a dead dream.. i'd say ''i wish i did'' but i really don't.
The Canadian
Then again, my idol is the Grim Reaper, I have a fascination with death, and to me, one of the most beautiful places is a cemetery. I am currently designing a coffin to make for my room as a wardrobe.
I am just fascinated with death.
I am also sane, but by different terms.

Now there's an oxymoron if ever there was one...
Reply 18
The Canadian
I have many sadist friends, and they go to these fetish clubs where you stick meat hooks through people's skin and you hang them up. That is the sort of thing if you enjoy the sound of that, would be sadism.

I don't think my thoughts are as extreme as that although I guess that is open to interpretation. Basically when I really detest someone I imagine them being pounded with a baseball bat, it just makes me feel better, I don't know why. I think it must be a lot of pent up anger that didn't show up when they initially caused me to feel like that as I'm not really a confrontational person.

The reason why I presumed I wasn't ''normal'' for having thoughts like this is because I assumed most people either resist the temptation to hit someone when they have an extreme urge to do so, and don't think about the incident thereafter or they just lash out at them then and there. To have violent thoughts but not be a violent person just makes me feel weird...

Thanks for all the replies guys you've made me feel a lot better. I feel like less of a nutcase now... although it is something I am still embarrassed about.

Anon User 2, I agree totally. I don't think it is healthy at all, it's just hard to change this way of thinking. It actually makes me feel bad imagining someone I don't like being hurt but I still carry on having those thoughts, it actually makes me feel kind of unclean. Although the difference is that I don't act on my impulses so I'm not causing anyone harm so whenever I start to feel bad for having these thoughts I take comfort in knowing that... I do try my best not to have these thoughts though...
Anon 1: Would you consider yourself a gentle sort in actual interactions?

I.e. this kinda thing is for the imagination only and you rarely get into confrontations/ fights (I'm asking about both conversational and physical fights, comment on both if you'd like) :smile: