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Durham Applicants 2007 Thread

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Reply 60
Yep, your chances are v. high! :smile:
Reply 61
Ooh ooh tell me mine are too! :biggrin:
Reply 62
Hehe thankyou. :p:
Im now applying 3 times to Durham lol,

Nat Sci (Chem and Maths, maybe econ too)

Anyone beat that :tongue:

Wish I could be going down to Durham this year :frown:

Wish I could be going down to Durham this year :frown:

Awhh..I know how it is. I was desperate to go to Berkeley this year instead of staying for my last year...but no one was keen on letting me...

I'm applying for History, University College :smile:

(yes..I got dragged in by the castle (since AP Art History class last year!!!). Perhaps I should investigate the other colleges...)
Reply 65
With those grades, I'm sure you will. :smile:

Thanks :smile: Durham is just such a lovely place - nowhere else quite matches up to it for me.
I'm applying for Natural Sciences at Josephine Butler college :smile:
Good to see another Natural Science person :smile:, which subjects you taking within nat sci?
Reply 68
No, I love Durham....just a shame they want AAA for History!
Reply 69
Course: History
College: Collingwood

Post A2, have AAAa already.
Reply 70
Law/Hatfield - the Castle looked nice but with 14 times as many applicants as places I thought its best not to get my hopes up!

If I don't get into Durham I think I might cry - my heart is set on it.

I think you shouldn't worry about that 14 times as many blablaba statistics because it IS the department who chooses you after all and though you might be sent to an other college than your original preference one if you really want to go to Castle then why don't you just apply there?:wink:
You might be as well "sent away" from Hatfield...
+ the reason why Castle has this horrifying statistics is that most people only know about that college (oldest university building in use,most famous etc.etc.) and they don't bother about making some research before applying:smile:
Reply 71
Math G100
Trevelyan College

Hope to see you anyone there !~
Reply 72
German, Spanish and beginners Russian (Mod Langs)

Good luck to all! When are the interviews by the way?
Reply 73
Any time from November to February.
When do offers normally come in arkbar (or anyone else). (I have already applied) Any chance of getting them by christmas?
Reply 75
Well I'm applying to Durham again (I applied last year and failed failed failed). For Archaeology at Van Mildert, no less.
Good to see another Natural Science person :smile:, which subjects you taking within nat sci?

I'm not sure yet but on my UCAS form where you have to put up to 4 subjects you want to study, I've got Physics, Maths, Psychology and Biology, but I'll probably change my mind before then!

How about you?
Chemistry, Maths and Economics :smile: Again I may change my mind though
When do offers normally come in arkbar (or anyone else). (I have already applied) Any chance of getting them by christmas?

there is some chance, although durham tend to be notoriously slow. I got my durham offer around february I think. (Can't believe that was two and a half yers ago :eek:)
Reply 79
German, Spanish and beginners Russian (Mod Langs)

Good luck to all! When are the interviews by the way?

WHAT?! They don't usually interview... do they?