The Student Room Group

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Reply 20
blu bambo gets too cramped and there are to many dodgey characters in there. it has to be tiger tiger that comes out on top for me.

Tiger plays the gashest music eva. There's not a single room in there that is actually good. It's always rammed, but the people there are all rahs so it's gash!
Reply 21
fair point but i wouldn't say blu bambo is much better. they play the same music every night
Reply 22
fair point but i wouldn't say blu bambo is much better. they play the same music every night

True. And it is chocka. But they do like 5 mins of free shots, then 5 mins of pints for a quid. Cany cheap like.

Plus it's a quid to get in. Tiger is a fiver!!!!
any good club nights that play indie/rock/metal/ska??? all or one im not fussed so long as its not dance music or r'n'b
Reply 25
digital digital digital
Noxid thinks of the time he fell off the stage in Digital. He wont be doing that again for a short while.

Well when it opened Liquid was a great nightclub and is still very very popular especially on its student nights (Monday and Wednesday) but I have thought its gone a little downhill (the clientele). I havent been in Tiger Tiger for ages. Blu Bambu is OK but I always seem to run into someone being a plonker "Im taking your girlfriend, mate" erm no you arent, your taking my course mate and youre not having her.

Solution is good, a little cheesy but you are bound to run into someone on your course. So I would reccomend doing it as much as you can during the first year. Wiggle at Northumbria uni is an enjoyable night (actually Im lying, I think its great), unless you want loads of variety (just two areas to Newcastles 6).

Oh and the Boat, well its not reccomended if you are sober, no really, the floors are like velcro.

I hope that certain people are not planning on taking the freshers down to it.

I love it, post 1666
Reply 27
What is all this Stone Love loving all about? I've been down a few times this year and never enjoyed myself!!... I don't think indie music is my thing which means I can not be "kool" lol!! Unbelieveably I haven't made it down to liquid yet everytime I've planned to go somethings happened!! I've had a few really good nights at Mood, Sea and Digital( other than on a Thirsday night :-P ) this academic year!
The Box has just opened last week aswell,and early reports are preety good (its where bar 55 was) with even the outside area fully licensed till 3am!whoop! and If the referenece 'I hope that certain people are not planning on taking the freshers down to it', dont worry I will never force people to go to the boat...ever!!!
make it a poll :smile:
Reply 30
You can't take freshers down to the's closing sometime during the spring. Sucks I know. It's being TAKEN AWAY
Dont worry! they say it has been closeing for the last four years doubt it ever will and certainly thre manager doesnt think it will!!! but would not take them down there any. things are going to be abit different this year!:smile:
is that that club on the river in a boat - i walked passed it when i came up 2 vist??? y rnt u taking freshers down there xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yeah its the big boat on the river! On the last night of freshers its custom to go to a club with all 5000 of you,but its not a nice place (in my opinion!,although had some really good nights there). But we are looking at things completely differently this year,you will just have to wait and see!!:smile:
is that that club on the river in a boat - i walked passed it when i came up 2 vist??? y rnt u taking freshers down there xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Its just not worth it. By all means go once, but you will never go again voluntarily.
Haha how did Ikon get on the list??? I'm voting for Bulletproof. You missed off Sam Jacks, Baha and Bufflo Joes!
Haha how did Ikon get on the list??? I'm voting for Bulletproof. You missed off Sam Jacks, Baha and Bufflo Joes!

The list was done before Ikon was renamed. Used to have quite a reputation until it was rebranded. Done quite a good job to it.

Sam Jacks aint too bad. Never done buffalo Joes and only did Baha in the freshers week. Not a bad overflow place for the boat (actually it was better). I wish the Last Man Standing Peeps would have an overflow bar after the last event. They are going to the Boat again on the 30th.
what's so bad about the boat club other than sticky floors?
It gets rammed packed. The last time we used it, the union sent them an official complaint about the bouncers, the revolving dance floor is a con (200 people rammed on a ridiculously small space). Every so often someone decides they are going to say goodbye to the world and jump off. So you find yourself being herded off the decks outside and being rammed back inside. And the route to the toilets smells of vomit. Although the good thing is that it is one of the few nightclubs that is not going to have any trouble when the smoking ban comes in

These views are personal and do not reflect the views of anyone else, including the union society and people I work for
Reply 39
Attic is by farrrrr the best!
Especially mish:mash on a thursday night!