The Student Room Group

How did I just put on half a stone in three days??

A few days ago I weighed myself and I was exactly eight stone.

A bit earlier I jumped on the scales again and they said 8 AND A HALF STONE!! what the hell is going on? I've always had a really fast metabolism and I don't understand how this could have happened. Scales definitely aren't broken.

I have, however, just eaten and am feeling slightly bloated - could this be it? If so, is it just the bloating that's causing the weight increase and will it drop off again in a few hours?

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Reply 1
High carbohydrate intake causes water retention under the skin.
Reply 2
Are you a woman?

If so, you're probably at a weighty part of your cycle.
Reply 3
time of day can affect it, and if before you hadn't eaten before you weighed yourself before of course it'll be more after a big meal!
Reply 4
My weight can fluctuate by as much as 10lbs a day. I weigh myself on waking and I weigh about 170, I can weigh myself in the evening and weigh as much as 180.
Reply 5
Obviously I'm a woman - have you ever heard of a man weighing eight stone? I'm eighteen years old btw.
Reply 6
If your female the time in your cycle can have an effect on water retention etc, also your lighter in the morning than in the afternoon.

If your wanting to check/maintain your weight weigh yourself on the same surface (floor or carpet) at the same time every month.
Reply 7
did you weigh yourelf in the morning first and evening the second time?
Reply 8
Obviously I'm a woman - have you ever heard of a man weighing eight stone

You could be a 14 year old boy...

I dunno.
Reply 9
Obviously I'm a woman - have you ever heard of a man weighing eight stone? I'm eighteen years old btw.

I know quite a few really skinny guys who probably don't weigh much more than that. I know at least one guy who weighs less than that.
Obviously I'm a woman - have you ever heard of a man weighing eight stone? I'm eighteen years old btw.

theres a simpsons episode where homer simpson is trying to gain enough weight to be classed as disabled so he could work at home.

Now, in the episode hes weighing himself and is kinda disapointed as hes been putting in proper effort to gain wait, until lisa points out that his belly is resting on the towel rail. So he does a shuffle and then once his belly is prised free from the towel rail he was upto his desired weight.

Maybe boobs could of been resting on something when you previously weighed yourself... ?

:biggrin: - I'm kidding people........ : )
I know quite a few really skinny guys who probably don't weigh much more than that. I know at least one guy who weighs less than that.

Poor chap. if hes not 15 you should get the poor lad fed.
Reply 12
El Scotto

Poor chap. if hes not 15 you should get the poor lad fed.

He's a gay guy, about 24. I could break him like a pencil.

I would tell him to start eating more hit the weights, but he takes pride in his size.

If he's happy with himself then it makes no difference to me. I'm not going to make love to him.

Well, not unless I was hammered.
Reply 13
My weight fluxuates by as much as half a stone over the course of one week to the next when my eating/exercise habits haven't changed. It's due to water retention and changes in your cycle etc so I wouldn't worry, it's normal.
Reply 14
Obviously I'm a woman - have you ever heard of a man weighing eight stone? I'm eighteen years old btw.

My boyfriend, actually. Haha. He's well skinny. :|
The only way to get your true weight is 1st thing in the morning - have a p1ss, take any clothes off other than underwear and dont drink anything before you stand on the scales.

That is your real weight.
Reply 16
Maybe a "Mean Girl" swapped your low carb chocolate bar for high carb chocolate bars saying they were the new wonder product for making you lose weight!? Think back...!

Reply 17
Maybe a "Mean Girl" swapped your low carb chocolate bar for high carb chocolate bars saying they were the new wonder product for making you lose weight!? Think back...!


I'm embarassed to know what movie you're talking about:frown: :frown:
Marilyn Monroe apparantly had to have three different sizes of the same dress for each scene on a film, as her weight fluctuated so frequently. She used to go from a size 12 to a size 16 overnight. literally, so don't worry about it - your body is just copying that of the world's biggest sex symbol :tongue:
your body is just copying that of the world's biggest sex symbol

She's not that sexy, she's not that hot.