lacking condience is my main problem. let me forget my modesty for the time being, i know i am better than a lot of people. im tall, good looking, im well above average and almost the top in academic, sports and mostly everything. i have good friends and have a very well-connected social circle. my parents are not that rich, but they can give me most of the things i want. i can play music well. bascially im above average to other friends of my age, both physically, mentally and socially. people think im confident but in fact im not. though i try to pretend that i have confidence but in fact i know im not. on the contrary, i am diffendent. basically i lack confidence in everything. im always afraid of losing. say for example, if my friend asks me about how i did in the test (before the results come out), no matter how well i did or not, i will always i totally messed up the paper. im not going to say sth like "the paper is okay. i think i will be fine" (note: not trying to be arrogant here) for the fear of me ending up with the lowest mark in class. another example is that i dont even have the confidence posting this thread using my own username.
i know confidence is very important for my future, e.g. uni, job interviews and everything. is there anyway that i can do to gain confidence?
please dont say sth like 'you are just pathetic..." im not trying to trying to be as polite and sincere as possible to tell you my problem and i hope i will get some helpful answer. thank you very much