OK, so we're travelling back in time 6 months or so. Guy meets girl at Godskitchen in Bournemouth when Paul Van Dyk, Judge Jules and Lisa Lashes played there. They were bowled over by each other. Girl was a runway model, and guy really dug her, and she really dug him.
Fast forward a few months and they've been texting and talking a lot, but still only met that once, him living on the south coast about 1 1/2 hours from her place in London. Still, the chats have been getting rather cosy and she has been getting rather emotionally attached. At this point, remember they have still only met once.
Anyway, she goes to Japan to model for (what he thinks is) 4 weeks. 5 weeks pass by, and still not a word from her, so he sleeps with somebody else.
Within a few days she gets in touch, and it turns out she had to stay an extra week. He mentions the girl he slept with within the context of them getting stoned together, and somehow she just KNOWS something went on. He denies it several times, but she bluffs it out of him and he admits it.
After hours of conversation, apologising and all sorts, she tells him quite plainly she wants nothing to do with him any more.
The question is..... how wrong was he to sleep with this other girl? He was never a couple with the model, and he hadn't heard from her in 5 weeks and assumed she had lost interest, considering he thought she would only be gone for 4 weeks.
Was he really, really in the wrong here? Should she have given him a chance to show he wouldn't do that if they had been together? Or did he truly deserve the brush off for this?