The Student Room Group

Sweaty hands


I have a really big problem with sweaty hands... They're fine in the mornings but during the day they get so sweaty and sticky, it's really quite disgusting. The thing that's worrying me is that I've been asked out by a few guys but always have to say no because I would be so embarrassed about holding hands and stuff. It sounds pathetis but it's actually really affecting me. I've tried using Perspirex hand and foot lotion but this hasn't done anything at all.
Does anyone else have this problem or anyone know any solutions?
Any help appreciated.
Reply 1
Firstly: I wouldn't say no to people you like just because of it. They like you, so I am sure they woudl excuse one minor problem like that. :wink:

Secondly: I sweat loads too, no matter what. I just have to wash every few hours, never been able to do anything else about it.
It's not a problem to me; I've dated people who have sweaty hands too and I don't even notice :smile:
Reply 3
dont worry about it. lots of people suffer from sweaty hands.
Reply 4
I have super sweaty hands, my friends don't even like using my computer mouse after me ^__^

I'd like an answer as well ^^
Reply 5
i think you can get pore blocking spray stuff now
Actually one of my exes (is that a word?!) used to use deodorant on his palms, that sort of worked...
Reply 7
Try driclor...that can be used on hands, Im pretty sure it can anyway. The only thing is it might sting first few times you use it, it will get better though.
maybe you have abnormal sweat glands. Go check your hormone/blood levels to see if there are any abnormalities if it really bothers you.
Reply 9
Urgh, I've been having this problem lately too. Not in everyday life - they're fine then - but I've been having lots of job interviews, and I'm fine 'til I get there, and then I go to shake hands with them and urgh - they've gone clammy. Its vile. And I have no idea what to do :frown:
Yes I think Driclor can be used on hands. Apply at night before you go to bed and wash off in the morning, easy peasy!
Reply 11
Aww its not a big deal. Go and ask one of those guys if that *insert date* is still on.

Just wash them but really nobody will mind.
Talc powder.