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Reply 1
I'm a girlfriend going to uni in a couple of weeks. I think me and my bf are very happy but again, you never know what the distance will do. Anyways, what i mean is, she's probably just as worried as you about the effect it will have, and i guess all anyone can do is give it their best shot :smile:
I can't tell you from a personal perspective (sorry) but my best mate has been with her boyfriend about 18 months and she's been at uni for a year, so it's at least possible! :smile:
Telling you from my personal experience, you will probably break up. Safe.
Reply 4
i forgot to add we have been going out for 16 months
Reply 5
You just have to go with it, if you survive then well done and your relationship was very strong, if not then you just werent strong enough and you just have to move on, long ad short of it really.
Reply 6
I was with my girlfriend for 5 years on and off.

We both went to Uni. We broke up.

The heartless &%*^& didn't even have the guts to tell me she was seeing someone else. Man, and i thought i knew this girl!

Sorry mate.
i forgot to add we have been going out for 16 months

Me and my then girlfriend had been going out for about 13, it really all depends on the two individual people though.
If you've been going out that long, and are really happy in your relationship, then I can't see why your relationship wouldn't stand the test of time.

That said, if you have genuine concerns, then there must be a proper reason for them. Unless she gets really drunk at freshers week and loses all her inhibitions/responsibilities completely then i would think that you were safe tbh. Then again, what do i know!
To be honest if you two are devoted to each other i think you will be fine, many people have survived uni being together.
Reply 10
quite a few people i knew at uni were involved with their high-school boyfriends/girlfriends and although some broke up, others are still together now having survived the long distance thing.

I actually think in many ways it's a good thing that can happen to a relationship as it tests it. Although i probably wouldn't say that if i had a boyfriend i had been with for years and was having to part from albeit temporarily.
Reply 11
To be honest if you two are devoted to each other i think you will be fine, many people have survived uni being together.

A much larger proportion break up though.

I can't be arsed to write out all my thoughts on this time and again, so in a feat of shameless self-promotion, I'll refer you to my first post this season on the subject.
I think it helps if you can see each other more :smile: I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years and luckily we're only just over an hour away from each other. If you're not too far apart you could even visit each other some weeknights, OP, as well as the weekends :smile:
Same thing is happenin with me and my boyfriend, we've been together nearly two years. He said the other day that we should go on a break at uni, and then see how we feel when we get back for xmas. He said he's not dumping me and that if we weren't going away then we'd def stay together but he would miss me too much being so far away, which i spose is kind of sweet, and he wouldnt cope with the long distnace thing. but i dont like the idea of a 'break', why not give it a try if there is nothing wrong with our relationship??
Reply 14
I'm moving away to uni in a couple of weeks, while my boyfriend is staying at home, at a local university. Although we've been together for less than 2 months so far, I still don't see that it's worth breaking up over this. He's lovely, and I'm going to try and make it work.

I've never been one for getting with random people - ie: I've only kissed 3 people and they were all my boyfriend at those times. So I think I can trust myself not to go and cheat on him early on. As time goes by, who knows? We might grow apart, and obviously we'll both meet new people and anything could happen... But I'm confident we can last a bit longer, hopefully much much much longer :smile:
A much larger proportion break up though.

Alot of it can be avoided if they made more of an effort, yes it's difficult but if both work at it, you can survive.
Just bare in mind that people change at uni, for the good and the bad.

Carl1982 speaks the truth, but the person you left behind might not be the same a year after.

I will not lie to you mate, I am experiencing exactly the same as you and its bloody painful! Fortunately, my girlfriend is thinking the same as me.

At the moment, from all the comments I have read, I have found that there are some very mixed views on this subject. Which probably doesn't help much :s-smilie:

There are so any options open to us, we can do what a lot of people say, and break up, or we can stay with our girlfriends and make it work. I have found that relationships work if your willing to put more effort in than you would usually.

Remember, relationships are as good as you make them! Live everyday like its your last and don't worry so much, try to see your girlfriend as much as is humanly possible.

If your as serious as you sound then I don't see any problems arising :smile:

I hope I have given some good advice to you mate, I do know what you are feeling, believe me :smile:

Um this is over a year old mate.
Reply 19
As the thread has been resurected, can I ask how the OP and his girlfriend are coping so far?