The Student Room Group


hi! :smile:
okay this may be a simple problem for some however kinda hard for me, lol
the thing is..hummmm...well, it feels weird saying this but i want to hint to my bf about periods :redface:
hummm i already thought of a sentence, it goes like this

well you guys have to live with the moodiness of girls...

hummm i dont want to mention the P word but would like to hint it to him, hummm the way he asked me i think is to actually get an idea if i have them but i'm not 100% percent sure but he asked me
"why is that girls are moody for the first or last week every month?"
hummm i'm not sure but hes never ever asked me that before nor has he ever been interested in that sort of thing, however thay doesnt mean that he wants to know about the P thing, hummm i just want to hint it not say it, if that makes sence, i'm sure the girls would understnd right

hummm i was thinking along ill tell u later in a cupple of years but not now, however i know hes going to ask me sooner or later so i dont want to say no, no ill tell u later!
just a hint
please help me! :redface:
thank you

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Reply 1
PS: sorry for such a long post on such a little thing
Reply 2
PS: sorry for such a long post on such a little thing
but any help from you guys would really help me :smile:
Reply 3
why cant you just say periods?
Reply 4
What the hell? Males have brains, too, you know. My 10 year old brother knows about periods! Christ.
Reply 5
Not sure what it is you want to know but just say something about hormones or menstrual cycle. Sorry don't realy know what your talking about
Just curious, how old is he?
Could you please cease and desist with the 'huuummm' thing, it's annoying. And I'm sure your b/f knows about periods. Though I'm not sure why he doesn't know about the moodiness.
Reply 8
okay fine ill cut the hummm's
and i dont want to say periods because.....just, okay can u guys give me suggestions please because that would help
Reply 9
Why not just be open with him about your periods if he wants to know? Maybe he was hinting about the moodiness so that you might tell him about it. I don't know, I'm a bit confused as to what you mean, but I do think that if he wants to know, you should just be open with him. It's a whole lot less embarrasing just to talk about it and deal with it, than it is to skirt around the issue and drag it out.

and i dont want to say periods because.....just, okay can u guys give me suggestions please because that would help
Do you want suggestions of what to say instead of periods? Time of the month - cheesy but effective? Menstruation? I'm not sure what else you could use? Pick something that you think will get the message across to him but that you feel most comfortable with.
Reply 10
okay fine ill cut the hummm's
and i dont want to say periods because.....just, okay can u guys give me suggestions please because that would help

why cant you just say the word period! its really not embarrassing. Just tell him about them, but i'm sure he would already no?
How old is he?
Reply 11
How old are you and your boyfriend?
I'm pretty sure he would know about periods unless he's <10.
LOL don't do what I did and try and hint "it's not a good time"...he never caught on and thought I wasn't keen. Just say the word, it's better than any misunderstandings.
If he doesn't know what a period is by now...dump him.

Get a boyfriend that isn't a ******.
Seriously, how can he not know? Doesn't everyone get taught it in school around age 9 now?
Even so, why are girls embarrassed about this?

It's a defining feature of womanhood, so it's hardly like you're talking about farting.
Reply 16
Just come out and say it for god sake!! Its a WORD!! thats all sorry if i sound harsh i just dont get why your making such a big deal of it!!
I didn't actually think there was any stigma around talking about periods any more. Am I wrong? People I barely know come into work and announce that they've just come on, lol!
Reply 18
Ill annouce it to any one i dont care! It happens its a fact of life!! I get extreamly hormonal and moody so when people ask whats up i just go i on my period and they get it!! Just speak to him unless he has the maturity of a 5year old he will get it!!
OP, your style of post is the most annoying i've come across yet.