Hello, my problem is that i do not know what to put for centre number and centre, as i havent done my music grades through my own school, and it won't let me process the grades.
What do you do? Will the places i took the exams have a ucas centre number? Or do i put the street name of the person who taught me.
putting down your school centre number will be fine - they arent too pinickety (sp?) about music grades. If there is a problem as to whether you have done the exam or not, you can always tell them in writing at a later stage.
ok thanks, it's just that one of my grades was done in 1999 which was before going to my school - and i got an error message. i'll do what you said then and miss out grade 1!
O and don't bother putting down every grade you've done, from 1 to 8 - only put the most recent exam you've taken, they don't take much notice if it's anything less than grade 6