I was almost in the same situation. And it was even more remarkable as he just cut me off completely 1 day after we met. We had a distance relationship for about a year or so and I was actually the one who is hurt most by the long distance. He had always been very encouraging, singing again n again "If we try, our love will always last" and stuff n told me not to worry as he is really serious about it, n that he loved me enough to overcome all this, and that he did not want to spend the rest of his life with anyone else but me, and that I'm his perfect girl that he had been searching for and...(almost the same thing ur bf has told u). And the last time we met, he still showed much adoration to me (kissing, hugging, swearing n all kinds of s***). The next day, when he went back to his univ, I called him but he said he was busy and he would call me back. That was the very last time I talked to him, he cut me off completely since then. I kept texting, calling, emailing him but he did not ever reply. All I know about him is what I was told by my friend who is still in touch with him. Ironically, I was the only in doubt, and also the only in love.
So no need to figure out the reasons why. There may be no reasons at all. He was my 1st love. And I still kept thinking of him from time to time. I wasn't aware that I was hurt coz I was merely in shock. But anw... I've lost my belief in the fictional thing named "LOVE". I don't think I can ever find sb who loves me. How come? I've loved him so so so much... and he dumped me like trash w/o even a notice. I was so so depressed at 1st. It was a difficult time for me, but Im fine now. 5 months ago... at least I'm happy on my own atm, now that I'm so scared of boys... I may fall in love with someone else coz it's a natural thing and I can't help it. Yet I will never ever ever get myself to become anyone's gf. I'm terrified! Perhaps I wasn't lucky enough to be loveable.
To ~SAM~: Huggies huggies huggies!!! Forget him, move on, ok? Oh girl, u know u deserve much more than that, u know we deserve much more than that... Come on!!! I'm here to help! Huggies...