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Reply 1
Right time for marriage = when you know your ready (helps if youve got someone to marry)
Reply 2
it's down to the individual and if you're in a relationship, to the two people on whether they're ready :smile:
Reply 3
I am not sure how much faith i have in marriage.
But i don't know, i guess when the individual feels ready.
When BOTH individuals in the relationship are ready to make that commitment to each other.
Reply 5
I'll be 25 when I get married and it feels just right for me but I know some of my friends are so not in the place in their lifes to get married yet.
I'd never get married before 25.
Reply 7
after ive bought my fav car, when ive had enough of casual relationships, and when my girlfriend really wants to...and ive run out of excuses...then ill bite
Reply 8
Reply 9
I'd say after you've graduated and have had a job for a year or two at least, cus that way, you give yourself time to properly grow as a person/adult and you see the world and you are properly independent and more mature then. You've seen what the world is like and finance wouldn't be a problem and you know what you want out of life by then, since at uni you're all still wondering what it is you want from your future. I'd say a relationship should ideally last anything between a year to 3 years before the couple should realistically consider marriage. Of course there're marriages that last 50 years even though they married within a month of knowing each other, but those are rare. And risks of divorce is higher when you marry so soon. If the person is meant for you to marry, then you're meant to spend all your life with them anyway, so what's with the rush? Why not wait to make sure? Of course, how long you wait would have to depend on how old you are. At my age - 19 - I'd wanna date a guy like a few years before I get into marriage - preferrably after graduation at the soonest. But then if I were 28, I'd probably only date a man for a year before thinking about it since by then we'd both have had enough experience in life etc and would both know what it is we're lookinf for.

But ultimately, it depends on the couple - their age and maturity and if they're both ready.
But then if I were 28, I'd probably only date a man for a year before thinking about it since by then we'd both have had enough experience in life etc and would both know what it is we're lookinf for.

And plus, tic-toc, tic-toc.
Reply 11
Was wondering what is the right time for marriage? or the ideal age to you?

When you no longer ask that question on an internet forum.
Was wondering what is the right time for marriage? or the ideal age to you?
When you've found someone and ready?

24/25, ideally.
Reply 13
For me, I hope before 30 and maybe a kid too. By then, I hope I'll be financially stable and that things are doing well.

I just turned 23 today and I'll have to start looking for something serious soon.
Reply 14
As everybody else has said, when it feels right to both parties.

However, if I were to pin an age on it, I'd say late 20s/early 30s is when I want to get married.
Preferably early 20s... Maybe 21-24? Ideally...
For me never, I hate the whole concept of marriage.
I want to be 26.
Reply 18
I want to be 26.

wow that's specific.
Reply 19
i will be 19 when i get married- it seems young, but i know i am ready