The Student Room Group


Heya :smile:

I'd just like to know personal veiws on dyslexia, like how you approach those who don't know you have dyslexia?

I have just made friends with a guy who is dyslexic....he didn't tell me directly that he is instead he said that he's thick which to be honest annoyed me because I'd appreciate it if he was a bit more clear about it or had put it in a nicer way. But I'm guessing him being a guy his ego has got in the way and for him it may be a little uncomfortable and maybe embarrassing. And because of this there will be times where I forget that he is dyslexic so some things may not be clear esp when he is tired or has had a long or busy day/week and this then leads him to getting angry and leaves me feeling like a right ass and upset.

Anyway I'd just like to know how I should go about it without him getting annoyed or frustrated and what should I do because its clear he doesn't want to talk about and would rather me just click on when he has his moments.....if that makes sense. I just don't want to ruin anything between us or lose him as a friend.
Reply 1
i got a friend whos dyslexic. and hes still very clever and a very nice guy and i just treat him like i treat everyone else.
Reply 2
I post on TSR. Meeting people in real life who have trouble spelling isn't really that shocking to me now.
Reply 3
Poison Ivy

I'd just like to know personal veiws on dyslexia, like how you approach those who don't know you have dyslexia?

Er, he doesn't have leprosy...

I have it and I don't think I have a disability, or even think I'm different. This guy probably just wants attention if he's being all shirty about it.
It's not something you notice on a regular basis, I have a friend who is dyslexic and I honestly wouldn't have known if she didn't tell me.
Reply 5
Poison Ivy

I'd just like to know personal veiws on dyslexia, like how you approach those who don't know you have dyslexia?

Irony Alert:

On a thread about dyslexia the Op's spelling of the word view is incorrect.

Woo, Grammar Nazis