The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I belive your age will be on the student card you will be issued with at enrolment?
Reply 2
but what about the events that happen before enrolment???
Reply 3
hmm, just bring some sort of ID, to be perfectly honest i doubt actual university events will be that strict on proof of age ID
Reply 4
i hope not. i really don't want to bring my passport along with me! i'll bring the my foreign id card, hopefully that will be fine.
Reply 5
dont worry. u'll be absolutely fine.and if u r in possession of a foreign ID Card then there's nothing to worry about.
Reply 6
Your age isn't printed on your student card (one of the reasons you can't use it as ID at outside clubs).

You will always be fine getting into KCLSU places with your student card though, that's taken as enough proof that you are overage.

I'm not sure what's happening about events before people have registered. It was never a problem for me cause my registration was on the Monday. I've got training tomorrow, though, so I'll ask the management and get back to you.
Reply 7
thanks a bunch!

so with outside clubs, we'll have to use either our passport or drivers license? do they usually ask for age proof at outside clubs?

so with outside clubs, we'll have to use either our passport or drivers license? do they usually ask for age proof at outside clubs?

If you look <21, yes.