The Student Room Group

Tax Code advice???

Hi everyone!

Have finally left my oh so wonderful job with Whitbread, and I was under the impression that when you left a job then you'd get all your holiday pay, and any tax that you'd overpaid would be refunded to you. I checked my bank balance this morning and it would seem not! Oh :frown:

I've been on at the manager for months cause I was on BRX which I know is wrong considering i was at 486L before April, and she hasn't done a thing, so i was getting taxed something stupid like £80 a week, I don't mind paying reasonable amounts of tax & NI, but it should have only been £30-40 surely?

Anyway, how does one go about retrieving said overpayment of tax, does anyone know? I'm thinking even if it's only a bit, it will pay for a pint of stella!
Do I have to send off my P45 when I get it to the tax office? Hmmmm, never been good with tax issues! ARGH!

Anyway thanks for any advice any of yous have!

Jay x
Hi everyone!

Have finally left my oh so wonderful job with Whitbread, and I was under the impression that when you left a job then you'd get all your holiday pay, and any tax that you'd overpaid would be refunded to you. I checked my bank balance this morning and it would seem not! Oh :frown:

I've been on at the manager for months cause I was on BRX which I know is wrong considering i was at 486L before April, and she hasn't done a thing, so i was getting taxed something stupid like £80 a week, I don't mind paying reasonable amounts of tax & NI, but it should have only been £30-40 surely?

Anyway, how does one go about retrieving said overpayment of tax, does anyone know? I'm thinking even if it's only a bit, it will pay for a pint of stella!
Do I have to send off my P45 when I get it to the tax office? Hmmmm, never been good with tax issues! ARGH!

Anyway thanks for any advice any of yous have!

Jay x

Ok then

BRX/BR1 is an emergency tax code - on your first day at a new job, your employer is supposed to send a P46 form off in order to sort out the right tax code. Until they receive the form, you're charged huge amounts of unnecessary tax. Here's a link to a P46 form:

Yes, you can claim back the tax that you've had deducted. This is what the Inland Revenue says:

If you are an employee on PAYE:

If I have to pay additional tax on emergency code, when will I get it back?

Your employer will normally pay it back to you on the next pay day after you get your proper code. If the tax year ends before you get your proper code, the Tax Office will send you the repayment.

What should I do if I leave my job?
It is important to get a form P45 from your employer. If you don't go to another job and don't start claiming unemployment benefit, you may be entitled to a tax repayment. After a month, ask for a repayment claim form P50 which you should complete and return to your Tax Office with your P45 Parts 2 and 3 if you have them. We give repayment claims top priority and try to make sure you get any refund you are due within 28 days.

What happens if I think I have paid the wrong amount of tax?
Contact your Tax Office to ask them to check the amount you have paid is correct. If you have paid too much tax, the Tax Office will send you a repayment

So what you need to do is ring your payroll department and they should send you a P46 for you and your manager to fill in. I believe the cut off this month is the 18th for you to get the new tax code for this month's payslip, and possibly getting the tax returned this month too. So simply put, go talk to your manager as soon as you can!

Hope this helps :smile:

(Have had the problem where I've been taxed on an emergency code for 4 months and my employer hasn't sorted it out yet. I've been hounding them, but they're just a bit slow - would really like the money before I go to uni!)
Reply 2
I was hounding my old employers for months and eventually ended up paying over £450 in tax, all of which I'm yet to see........ Since going to uni my payslips and P45s have taken a walk and gone missing, so I'm £450 short!