The Student Room Group

My ears are ringing.

I've been having a few problems with my ears for a while now. First of all I couldn't hear, so I went to the Doctors and he gave me drops, went back and asked to have them syringed, but he wouldn't do it until I'd used some other drops 'cos the first lot hadn't worked.

Went back Wednesday and he tried syringing them again, but came to the conclusion that the wax was still solid. I came away more deaf than when I went in and my ears didn't stop ringing. I went back again yesterday and he tried syringing again, before saying that it was too solid to syringe. The noise in my ears was terrible as he was syringing.

I then got a second opinion from another Doctor at the surgery yesterday and he gave me more drops, said that my deafness wasn't going to be permanent and sent me away, telling me to come back in a week.

Since Tuesday I've had a constant ringing in my left ear. Do you think it's due to the wax blocking my ear, or do you think the doctor syringing my ear and the loudness of it was the cause of this ringing and will it go away?

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You could have a serious case of tinitis.

If you dont know what that is google it. But a common example when i get that is after youve been clubbing or anywhere where there is loud music playing then when your at home asleep, all you will hear is this ringing in your ears. However you could have a more serious case as you said you have blocked wax.
Reply 3
Severe tinnitus can be caused by a brain tumour pressing against your auditory nerve.

Not to **** you up, or anything.

Seeing as it came about as a result of the syringing, it's probably just your ears going insane.
Seeing as it came about as a result of the syringing, it's probably just your ears going insane.

I hope so. That's when it started, so fingers crossed that's all it is. It didn't happen before that, so...
Also, despite what the title says, it's only one ear. It's the ear that was syringed on both days as apposed to the other one only being syringed once.

Does it sound like it's just a protective mechanism against the noise of the syringe which will go away?
Reply 6
Ringing in your ears is generally caused by the little hairs inside your ear being unable to vibrate as usual. I'm guessing having your ears syringed could have caused the hairs to stick to the wax or something which would cause this. Hopefully once the wax has been removed the hairs will regain their ability to vibrate and move and the ringing will stop.

(Just a side for anyone who reads this... if your ears ring after a night out it's cos you've done permanent damage to your ear! Basically if the music (paticularly the bass) is soo loud the hairs are bent back so far and regularly that they can no longer vibrate you will get a ringing sound in your ears after you leave. If the length of time of ringing is considerably longer than the exposure time then the damage is severe, if it is shorter then the hairs should recover - but never 100%. So be careful! Your ears are precious...)
Thanks for your help - that's made me feel better about it all. :smile:
Reply 8
I get this, my ear gets all clogged up and it rings constantly.
It goes (unblocks and stops ringing) after a week or so for me (get it every couple of months)
Still got ringing in one ear and am still deaf (not 'cos of that, 'cos of wax). Do you think it's just because of the wax and that once that's cleared, the ringing will go?
Reply 10
Try taking antihestamine to lower the production of wax and limit blockages of sinusses, that could do a lot.

Dont worry though I think you should be fine.. I once did a 4 hour jamming session with my band and my ears rang for about 36 hrs and moist came out as well :smile: what some ppl do for music teehee
Reply 11
I had a blocked ear about a month or two ago which gave me dull hearing and slight tinnitus in one ear, I started taking drops which I took for about a week which didn’t help. I then booked a doctors appointment and had my ears syringed which removed all of the wax and the tinnitus when almost immediately. Going by the information that came with my eardrops the tinnitus is caused by the wax and is not permanent but I know how irritating it is. I don’t think you should worry about it being permanent or being cause by the doctor. However I am not an expert so just take the advice of your doctor.

PS DON’T try to unblock your ear with anything like cotton wool buds as this will only add to the problem.
Reply 12

PS DON’T try to unblock your ear with anything like cotton wool buds as this will only add to the problem.

yea i tried that once and shoved all the **** deeper in..then i unscrewed the shower head and put my thumb over the hose and clenaed out my ear myself, i must say it was relieving to get all the ****e out but.. it left water in my ear, thus bacteria, thus a new infection.. :biggrin: im so smart
Reply 13
the temporary relief might have actually been worth the additional 3 trips to the doctor, it feeelt sOOOO good.. though, im special like that, live by the moment
I had a blocked ear about a month or two ago which gave me dull hearing and slight tinnitus in one ear, I started taking drops which I took for about a week which didn’t help. I then booked a doctors appointment and had my ears syringed which removed all of the wax and the tinnitus when almost immediately. Going by the information that came with my eardrops the tinnitus is caused by the wax and is not permanent but I know how irritating it is. I don’t think you should worry about it being permanent or being cause by the doctor. However I am not an expert so just take the advice of your doctor.

PS DON’T try to unblock your ear with anything like cotton wool buds as this will only add to the problem.

Thanks - sounds like what I've got and seeing as yours went away, I'm sure mine will too! :biggrin: You've really brightened up my day - thank you!

I won't - never going to touch cotton buds again once my ears are cleared!
Reply 15
i used to get a weird ringin in my ears from time to time which sounded like morse code..
Still got the ringing - going to see the doctor tomorrow, though so hopefully he should be able to tell me if it's going to be permanent or not.

Those of you who've experienced this before, though, is it unlikely to be permanent?
It sounds like tinnitus. There is no cure and its permanent. I would know because I have it.

Reply 18
One thing I cannot recommend enough if you're in a band are ear plugs.. after years of gigging I think I am developing tinnitus, it sounds like Bb constantly ringing in my ear (although I only really notice it in complete silence).

Think Floyd
One thing I cannot recommend enough if you're in a band are ear plugs.. after years of gigging I think I am developing tinnitus, it sounds like Bb constantly ringing in my ear (although I only really notice it in complete silence).


Yeah man, best £8 i ever spent was on a pair of reusable earplugs. My hearing's already pretty damaged, but itd be a lot worse without them.