The Student Room Group

Going back to peoples places

Hey ,
LAst night after a night out i saw some lad i know. He asked me to go back to his to watch a movie, and because i was drunk i did. Now i didnt sleep with him but i was just wondering, has me going back there made me look bad in the first place? Should i not have gone, although i was v set in my ways, eg i wouldnt do anything no matter how hard he tried.
Have i left a bad impression? I first met him through his work, and then occasionally ive seen him in bars and things before where he tried it on and texted me the night after meeting but then never again so iaint expecting much, it will probably just be awkward as i go to his work a lot :s-smilie:
Thanks in advice

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Reply 1
No, you didn't leave a bad impression if all you did was watch a movie.

Although he may consider you to have led him on.
If you didn't give any impression of wanting to sleep with him, then you can't have made a bad impression, as you didn't lead him on.
Reply 3
We didnt actually watch movie really it was just constantly kissing while he did try somethings on. He did say ur a tease, i said well i am not the kind of girl that sleeps with anyone so ....
Reply 4
I'd say you lead him on....
Reply 5
I gotta agree, going back to his and spending most of the length of the movie kissing is kinda leading him on. But, no is no so as frustrated as he probably was he'd just have to put up with it. Just dont underestimate how horny a drunk guy can be. :smile:
Reply 6
I don't think you led him on. Providing you like him of course that is. He asked you to go back to his and watch a movie - ok, we all know that most men (not all!) who say that don't have a movie in mind. However, just because you said yes and went, it didn't mean that you were going to sleep with him.

You went to his, you kissed a lot, he may have been pushing for more but you stood your ground. You didn't explicitly say you would sleep with him so he got more than just watching a movie.

People expect nowadays that if you go back to a guy's house it means you should sleep with him, otherwise you're just a tease. I think its ridiculous. With some men, yeah they're nice, you go back to their place and if something happens, they're happy with that and grateful for it. But other men expect that if you go back to theirs its code for 'I'm coming to yours to f**k you all night.' And when you don't they make you feel guilty by calling you a tease. I knwo many girls who feel like they've done something wrong at this point and so sleep with the guy because of it. And then the guy doesn't bother calling again.

Sorry, that was a bit of a meaningless rant. But it really annoys me. I am very far from being a prude, nowadays I do what I want with who I want, without feeling I've done wrong and being called a tease just because I don't sleep with him.

Sorry, bit off topic! I think I'm in a bad mood. Good luck for when you see him again! :smile:
Reply 7
Reply 8
When he said youre a tease, i nodded and said fine then im a tease, say what you want but i aint sleeping with you!
Yeh i think i will definitely be needing good luck for when i next see him, I think we will both be embarrased! :s-smilie:
Thanks everybody XX
Reply 9
being a tease is nothing to be proud of

it's stupid it will get you a bad reputation with guys and girls alike and people will start to just not like you

it's a surefire way of getting in trouble all round
Reply 10
I don't think you led him on. Providing you like him of course that is. He asked you to go back to his and watch a movie - ok, we all know that most men (not all!) who say that don't have a movie in mind. However, just because you said yes and went, it didn't mean that you were going to sleep with him.

You went to his, you kissed a lot, he may have been pushing for more but you stood your ground. You didn't explicitly say you would sleep with him so he got more than just watching a movie.

People expect nowadays that if you go back to a guy's house it means you should sleep with him, otherwise you're just a tease. I think its ridiculous. With some men, yeah they're nice, you go back to their place and if something happens, they're happy with that and grateful for it. But other men expect that if you go back to theirs its code for 'I'm coming to yours to f**k you all night.' And when you don't they make you feel guilty by calling you a tease. I knwo many girls who feel like they've done something wrong at this point and so sleep with the guy because of it. And then the guy doesn't bother calling again.

Sorry, that was a bit of a meaningless rant. But it really annoys me. I am very far from being a prude, nowadays I do what I want with who I want, without feeling I've done wrong and being called a tease just because I don't sleep with him.

Sorry, bit off topic! I think I'm in a bad mood. Good luck for when you see him again! :smile:

going back to his place to watch a film isnt teasing.

constantly kissing him throughout is, IMO.
Reply 11
But kissing doesn't always have to lead to sex. Just because you kiss someone throughout a film doesn't mean at the end of it you're going to sleep with them, and then if you don't, it means you're a tease. All she's done is go back to his, watched a film and kissed him. She hasn't promised she'll sleep with him and then not gone through with it.
Reply 12
But kissing doesn't always have to lead to sex. Just because you kiss someone throughout a film doesn't mean at the end of it you're going to sleep with them, and then if you don't, it means you're a tease. All she's done is go back to his, watched a film and kissed him. She hasn't promised she'll sleep with him and then not gone through with it.

you have your head in the clouds.

yeh, agreeing to go to someones house then making out, that isnt leading them on at all is it.

that isnt suggesting she finds him sexually attractive, is it.

i agree she was right for not sleeping with him, and i dont think she was wrong to not sleep with him, i just think the way she acted before turning down his sexual advances was definitely leading him on.
Reply 13
Wow i think i must be realy naive because, I honestly never thought that making out with someone is leading somebody on!!!? And the way i acted before, was just kisssing, i didnt try to make any sexual moves towards him
Reply 14
Wow i think i must be realy naive because, I honestly never thought that making out with someone is leading somebody on!!!? And the way i acted before, was just kisssing, i didnt try to make any sexual moves towards him

oh dear. what else can you to do lead someone on, except unzip their pants, grab their cock then run off.

kissing IS a sexual move.

you kiss guys you dont fancy?
Reply 15
Everybody thinks differently to be honest. Did you make it clear to him you didn't want to sleep with him when you went back to his house?
Reply 16
I think you probably are a little naive, going back to someones after a night out and spending the entire time kissing them is definately leading them on. Did you not notice that he was...erm, 'ready'? Tends to be a good sign of whether the guy wants/thinks hes gonna get sex.
Reply 17
kissing is sexual
Reply 18
Before i even got in taxi, i told him straight,that i didnt want to sleep with him. And no i dont kiss guys i dont fancy X
Reply 19
Before i even got in taxi, i told him straight,that i didnt want to sleep with him. And no i dont kiss guys i dont fancy X

ok, thats good and im glad u stood up for yourself and didnt relent.
but kissing him is a lead on.

if u fancy him, r u gonna see him again?