I don't think you led him on. Providing you like him of course that is. He asked you to go back to his and watch a movie - ok, we all know that
most men (not all!) who say that don't have a movie in mind. However, just because you said yes and went, it didn't mean that you were going to sleep with him.
You went to his, you kissed a lot, he may have been pushing for more but you stood your ground. You didn't explicitly say you would sleep with him so he got more than just watching a movie.
People expect nowadays that if you go back to a guy's house it means you should sleep with him, otherwise you're just a tease. I think its ridiculous. With some men, yeah they're nice, you go back to their place and if something happens, they're happy with that and grateful for it. But other men expect that if you go back to theirs its code for 'I'm coming to yours to f**k you all night.' And when you don't they make you feel guilty by calling you a tease. I knwo many girls who feel like they've done something wrong at this point and so sleep with the guy because of it. And then the guy doesn't bother calling again.
Sorry, that was a bit of a meaningless rant. But it really annoys me. I am very far from being a prude, nowadays I do what I want with who I want, without feeling I've done wrong and being called a tease just because I don't sleep with him.
Sorry, bit off topic! I think I'm in a bad mood. Good luck for when you see him again!