The Student Room Group

Im so confused

Met a girl at the beginning of uni last year and we started going out...lost my virginity to her, anyway we carried on going out til the summer then decided to take a break cos we wouldnt be able to see each other hardly at all.

anyway we are about to go back to uni again and she is really up for getting back together and is saying how much she loves me and has missed me etc, but im just not sure. i know its really selfish but i just cant decide what i want. i want to be with her but at the same time i want freedom and i feel like you are supposed to be single at uni so you can experiment etc, bearing in mind she was my first. anyone had any similar experiences?
Reply 1
Tell her how you feel. There is no point entering into a relationship that you don't want to be in. Especially as at University there is more opportunity for you to be unfaithful and i'm sure thats not what either of you want.
Reply 2
Met a girl at the beginning of uni last year and we started going out...lost my virginity to her, anyway we carried on going out til the summer then decided to take a break cos we wouldnt be able to see each other hardly at all.

anyway we are about to go back to uni again and she is really up for getting back together and is saying how much she loves me and has missed me etc, but im just not sure. i know its really selfish but i just cant decide what i want. i want to be with her but at the same time i want freedom and i feel like you are supposed to be single at uni so you can experiment etc, bearing in mind she was my first. anyone had any similar experiences?

i dont think the social pressure to get laid loads at uni should stop you getting back with her.

but if you dont want to get back with her, dont.
Tell her how you feel, go to uni and decide what you want when your there. Dont start dating her again if your not 100% sure other wise she could get hurt.
Reply 4
yeah thats exacly what ive done so far, obviously shes a bit upset, but i think she appreciates me being honest. ive told her i want to give it a try basically...
Shame you couldn't stick together during the holidays, then again maybe you just weren't ready for this type of committment yet, but yeah least you was honest with her rather than cheating.
Reply 6
i keep changing my mind every 5 minutes about what i want to do its horrible. if i love her i should stay with her and its horrible to think i wouldnt be with her ever again..arghhhh