The Student Room Group

being a brace-face uni student...

thought I'd start a thread where we can all share in group angst. basically, after having had perfect straight teeth my entire life, suddenly I get this one adult canine growing out the roof of my mouth (not literally, and yes, I know, I still have a baby tooth, i was a late starter), and it basically mucks up everything, even though its not visible...

well, anyhoo, that's my story. basically it means that in, ooh, a month or so, I'm gonna get teeth removed and train tracks fitted, and I'm gonna be a gappy, bracy, speccy thing. And It'll probs be the end of the 2nd yr at least before they come off. So, any other unfortunate souls out there just starting treatment or going to be (as the title suggests) brace-face uni students?!! :biggrin: :eek:
I've got to have braces for 2 and half years and my jaw moved and my nose done (I think anyway) soon. :eek:
Reply 2
I've had braces since yr6... just about to start 2nd year of Uni!! (Btw didn't have really bad teeth, my orthodontists kept on quitting!!)

I hate my braces anyway, so going to Uni and seeing NO ONE with braces didn't help!!! (That was probably me just being unlucky!!)... But it's not all that bad, no one asked or cared! Just keep on thinking 'they'll be off soon!!' lol :smile:

They told me I needed braces a few years ago and I told them it wasn't happening.

I still have perfect teeth.

Matt 1, Dentists 0.
Reply 4
They can stuff their braces where the sun doesn't shine. It's a totally aesthetic thing, and frankly I'm not going through a year of pain and wobbly roots for a mouth that is pleasing to other people. My teeth are for chewing, not for ornamentation and it's not as if I'm about to die of malnutrition. Also most orthodontists are failed medical students that are trying to earn more money than a dentist by doing private work, so I wouldn't trust them with putting the interests of my mouth first...
Ok rant over *deep breath*...
I had braces when i was about 12 for around 2 years, it did wonders though because my teeth before were awful, i literally had 2 teeth sticking out like fangs, but they're fine now.
Reply 6
mmmm.... it's the private ones you gotta watch out for. Our dentist initially referred me to this one guy who was trynna sell me clear braces, etc etc, and it was only when my ma had to literally drag it out of him that he confessed that I'd been "referred wrongly" so he couldnt give me NHS. I got re-referred to a lady ortho just before my 18th bday so just mangaed to get it done on the nhs. My one's are okay, but most are a bunch of goldiggers. And vets are jsut as bad, most cease to give a stuff about animals the second they leave vet skool.

As for being for aesthetic reasons, unforunatement if mine was left then the baby tooth would fall out, leave a too-small gap, and surrounding teeth would fall into the gap, so by natural straightness would be ruined. My new orthos spotted that I'd need 3 teeth removed and measured me properly, whereas the other guy just took one look. He didn't even bother to look properly. You could see the pound signs in his eyes. Assh0(£. :p:
i got em during lower 6th, had them through my gap yr (which they said i had to take because of the ortho appts), 1st year of uni, and im startin my 2nd year, dont know when they're coming off though, im also having both jaws moved at some point
Reply 8
heh i wouldnt worry, my friend had braces at uni and she was still really popular and had boyfriends etc. people are mature enough not to take the piss now anyway (i hope at any rate..). the likelihood is noone will notice/care. and if they do, if you feel that bad about it say you had a terrible accent and broke your jaw so your teeth need to be realigned, you could be the new kenye west