The Student Room Group

weird alcohol reaction?

Has this happened to anyone else? It was really strange and am just wondering if I'm being weird. Basically, I came back from a night out and got pretty drunk. The next day was normal, but when I went to sleep, I could start 'seeing' people. Not when my eyes were open, just closed and they weren't in colour or in any great detail, just the outlines of them and I had a 'feeling' I knew who they were. It was difficult to make out because of the lack of detail but I kinda knew. However, all of it was to do with the club in the previous night, as in they're all dancing and talking to me (they were with me that night as well). I can't hear them or anything like that, it's just that they're looking directly at me. When I open my eyes, it all goes away. I'm not crazy or anything lol, it's stopped now, it was just when I went to sleep that day. Has this happened to anyone else or did I just have a weird reaction to the alcohol that must've still been in my blood? :confused:
Reply 1
i dont know, what were u drinking? If you've had it before & been fine then it probably wasnt the drink, perhaps your drink was spiked? Did u feel really drunk when u were @ the club? xx
Reply 2
I was pretty drunk at the club, but it didn't happen that same night. I woke up fine, and I remember the whole night so I wasn't completley out of it. The following day was fine, but that night was strange. I had a bottle of strongbow and around 6 shots of sambucca. ( not all at once lol).
Reply 3
I've had that, and its just the light from when you have been out clubbing.
i had a simillar experience with caffeine + cetirizine... i wonder if i had a reaction. you've made me think now!!!!

quite possibly... if unsure u should aks a doc or maybe ask anyone else hu was with you that nite if it happened to them!
Reply 5
It might well be the lights. However, it doesn't happen often and I've been out quite a few times. I think it happened once before as well. It seemed pretty cool to be honest lol, but it was very distracting when trying to go sleep. It's a bit too late to call my friends, so I'll ask tomorrow or something. The only strange thing I find about that is the fact that it happened the next night and not the night I went out....