The Student Room Group

Contraceptive Pill Qualms (please help!!)

Hi, I know there are many threads but after looking through a few I couldn't find anything aout this particular problem so I wondered if someone could help me. I'm really anxious about it so I'd appreciate some help A LOT.

Basically I am on a progeteron only pill (cerazette), it's one you take every day and you don't have the 7 day break like on the normal pill. i take this as there is a history of high blood pressure in my family.

I am in a long distance relationship and only see my BF every 6 weeks or so. Because of this i only take the pill from 1 week before I see him and a few days after and then go off it again.

Over the sumer i have been taking for around 11 weeks and my periods have stopped. Apparantly you CAN get erratic periods with this pill, but i am still really freaked out and don't know what to do.

I live in ireland and can't get the pill from my doctor (family friend) so I get it when i'm with my boyfrend in england, so I can't go and check up with him weather everything is in order.

1. Does taking the pill for only weeks at a time and not over a long period increase my chace of getting pregnant?? After I've last had sex with my BF, how long should I wait before coming off the pill? Should i remain constantly on the pill?

2. Even though i was on the pill all summer could i be pregnant, i have had a tiny it of spotting (for one day) but no periods since I started it?

3. can my weight affect the pill? A friend told me if you weigh over 11 stone the pill is less effective. I weigh about 13.
Reply 1
1. No idea. i believe sperm can stay alive inside you for three days?, so i'd wait atleast three days.

2. It's an effective method if you did use it properly- so proably not.

3. I think so, but not drastically. A dostor wouldn't put you on it if she thought it wasn't going to be effective.
Reply 2
Surely it's not good keeping stopping taking it just a few days after you've seen him? Like it'd be better to finish the pack...
Reply 3
It's not the kind of pill with 'packs' like the 21 day pill where you have a break. You take it all the time, and are supposed to be protected as soon as you've used it for 7 days.
Reply 4
Ah ok :smile:
Reply 5
Hey, tbh i've never heard of anyone only taking the pill around the time they are seeing their boyfriends. It seems a bit strange to me, what's the problem with taking it all the time? Personally i doubt i'd know if i was coming or going if my hormone levels were taking a battering like that!

Anyways, aside from that i'd thought i'd give you some reassurance that your lack of periods is probably not an issue - i've been on it for almost a year and haven't had a single period in that time, and i'm definately not pregnant! Apparently it's a common side-effect of Cerazette that periods stop - i'm not sure why, but personally i think it's a blessing not to have to deal with all that mess once a month.

Not really sure about the weight thing, but i weigh about the same as you and have never been told that i was too heavy to be on this pill.

Not sure i've really answered your questions, but hopefully i've given a bit of reassurance.
Reply 6
Definitely thanks a lot!! XX
Reply 7
I think i'm going to wait until I get a period and then start it from day one and not go off it, cos I have NO IDEA what the hell is happening inside of me, lol.