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Whilst I think they have far too much time on their hands, and should go get a job and try to be valuable contributors to society (as if...) I disagree with the school not allowing the kids to leave school at lunchtime to visit the chippy.

It's the kids'/teenagers' choice whether they want to eat there and everyone knows that junk food isn't good in large quantities. Schools are meant to teach respnsibility and help students make their own decisions.
Reply 2
frankly, that is disgusting :mad:
I read about that as well, it really is disgusting. I also found it quite ironic that they have to stand in a grave yard when they pass the junk food through the fence since that is where they are sending their children.
Reply 4
I disagree with the school not allowing the kids to leave school at lunchtime to visit the chippy.

They don't allow it because the school would be held responsible for anything that may happen while they're out.:rolleyes:
Reply 5
People like that really irritate me. :mad:
Reply 6

God this makes me sooo angry, I wonder how much money they are making from this:mad: :mad: :mad:

How do you know this is a profit spinning scheme? :rolleyes:

Nevertheless, ignoring your comment of "chav mums", i believe these two women are being utterly pathetic and should encourage their children to participate in the school's healthy eating campaign rather than sabotaging it.

My school has introduced a similar scheme and whilst sixformers can still leave the grounds to buy junk food if they wish, most students are left with no option but to buy the food - personally i feel its a good idea.

We want kids to be healthy and good nutrition will encourage more concentration and better learning. However the acts of stupid mothers such as in this article is utterly disgraceful :p:
Yeah that's all over the news up here.It's disgusting.They should know better.No one can claim to be uneducated about food and what to eat to be healthy now.If they want their children to grow up to be fat and have heart disease then,well,I pity the children.
They're simply ruining any chances of the children getting used to eating healthy meals, its shameful really.
Reply 9
They don't like their kids getting a taste of something healthy whilst at school?
I bet when their kids are at home they eat all the $hit that can fit on a plate.

Sam, of Monkwood Road, Rawmarsh, said: "This is all down to that Jamie Oliver. Well I don't like him or what he stands for - he is forcing our kids to be more picky about their food."

Helloooo. The kids already are picky if they won't eat it.

They say they have started the food runs because pupils are turning their noses up at the 'low fat rubbish' served up at the school.

And what about the high fat rubbish they are bringing them instead. Wouldn't they rather have the children eating low fat 'rubbish' that will help them and stop them dieing instead of high fat rubbish that will kill them slowly?
Have you tasted the pathetic attempt at healthy food at my school?

It's cold, soggy and frankly looks and tastes disgusting.

I like to eat healthily but the food at my school is really bad and over priced.

I either bring my own food, go to my Grandmas or go down the chippy once a week at lunchtimes.

They need to improve the quality of the healthy food to get kids to eat it.
I certainly think the schools in question shouldn't have made the lunchbreak changes, but bringing fish and chips because your little precious likes a hot meal is insane, and it just seems to me like weak parenting giving into sulky teens.

I think if I were a parent unhappy with the school's catering service, i'd probably send the kiddiwinks in with a sandwich and a relatively healthy snack. Fetching them fast food everyday is absolutely terrible. And bloody pricey compared to a decent enough packed lunch.
nah cos pie is part of da culture of da workin man. u iz all just racists init.
Reply 14
i was never allowed out of the school grounds during break, they need to get over it and realise that its in their best interests
Yeh. Schools have a mandate to educate children as they see fit, they should act on it. tuff luv, i say.
If the school's healthy food is disgusting - the parents should bring in healthy, tasty food. It does exist!
I saw this on the news before. Its disgusting, i saw them taking orders from children through the school gates. Since when was eating more healthily such a bad thing.

And of course they'd be making a bit of profit
Reply 18
Healthy food at my school is fine. I eat it, as do lots of other people around the country. Frankly, their behaviour is disgusting! :mad:
Erm, for the record they aren't making a penny on it.

The schools should just offer choice. Offer the kids pasta AND burgers. That way the parents can decide what they want their kids to have. If they can't trust their kids to have the healthy option when they've been told to, don't give them any money and give them a healthy packed lunch. Leave it up to the parents, not the school or the government.