The Student Room Group

Help =(

ok basically I don't know what's wrong with me... I always feel really really depressed(have felt like this for about 3 years now), everything annoys me and I get REALLY angry about little things which just don't matter, everything gets to me.
I think about death/killing myself alot and I always feel really scared about the future and over analyse everything... I just dunno what to do anymore cos i can't handle feeling like this.
Am I actually depressed or just .. weird? lol
please help :frown:
Are you at or have been at University by any chance?

I feel somewhat similar to yourself at times, but i would never seriously consider killing myself because things can allways improve and there are so many things i have yet to do in my life.

Try to discuss things with your parents that are getting you down and the things you are over-anlysing, sometimes another person looking in can help you to realise that your problems may not be so severe.

Depression can be hard to diganose, a doctor told me i was simply stressed and some CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) may be of help, but i sometimes doubt what he has said.

Try to take each day as it comes, and consider partaking in things you havn't done before to add some excitement to what otherwise may be a routine existence and uninteresting to yourself.

For immediate help you can allways call the samaritans if you feel you have nobody to turn to, useful advice on the web these days etc.

Good luck:smile:
Nop im going to uni next year though and that's one of the things thats scaring me the most cos im so scared of everything there and don't wanna lose my school friends etc...
thanks very much for your help though :smile: xxxxx
There goes your anonymity.

"I went through a similar thing" intro...

What I figured out was there are basically two ways out of this ---

1. Do things with other people that take syour mind off whatever worries you

2. Do things on your own with same aim

What helped me, personally, was writing poetry and reading philosophy.
Reply 4
If you've really been depressed on and off for 3 years you need to go to the doctor. If you mean periods of insecurity, anger etc it might just be an age thing. There's no point in stressing now about uni which is a year away, and creating probs that may not arise. Could be you need CBT to help you change your patterns of thinking to more positive ones. There's loads of help out there. Don't ruin your life by not getting it.