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Reply 1
you start growing hair in places you didn't have hair before.
Reply 2
I think I know (I can't be 100% sure) because I have been in lust before, when I thought it was love, and what I feel for my current bf is totally different to that, and a lot healthier.
Reply 3
personally i would say that lust is when you've just met a person and you fancy them etc, but if uve met somebody and you get to know them, then.... you start loving them
Sometimes infatuation can be misinterpreted for love. You may think about him 24/7, hurt when he's not with you and seriously want him, which I'd say was an infatuation, can't say what love feels like but 9 times out of 10 people like to believe they're in love because it feels like they have accomplished something. Try and figure out if it's lust or infatuation, I wouldn't say love has come into the equation yet unless you can consider this person like a best friend :confused: xxx
You just know when you are in love.
Reply 6
I think the real question that should be adressed here is: Is there a difference between lust, love and desire? Are they interdependent or entirely independent emotions? Is love a human fabrication that we choose to believe?

Perhaps humans need to gain some emotional intelligence and confidence with their emotions and take things as they come. If emotions are over analysed and over assessed or constantly questioned we associate the emotion with uncertainty and unclarity whilst this really isn't necessary - we eventually become addicted to the fear of these emotions and see little of the rest of the emotional spectrum.

I personally think lust plays an extremely important role in any relationship, and that if honesty, care, trust and dependence are present too love will follow in the form of self confidence and comfort with the partner and eventually a need for the other - one other than lust. Love isn't like a lightbulb, it can't be turned on or off and nor does it suddenly burn out or get replaced - its about commitment, endurance, experience, faith and trust.
Reply 7
I think the real question that should be adressed here is: Is there a difference between lust, love and desire? Are they interdependent or entirely independent emotions? Is love a human fabrication that we choose to believe?

Oooo your such a cynic!!! Does it really matter? it doesn't make the sensation of love any less wonderful.
Reply 8
I wonder how many times I contradicted myself in my lil speech :rolleyes:
Reply 9
If its well balanced and months down the line you feel the same way about each other if not stronger.
Its so easy to get them mixed up and its not nice :frown: I am starting to think the whole "love at first sight" is just really lust.
Oooo your such a cynic!!! Does it really matter? it doesn't make the sensation of love any less wonderful.

Aww, how sweet and completely irrelevant to the subject at hand. Thank you for that.

OP: lust is when you fancy someone. Love is when you could see yourself in a relationship with them. Of course I'll have loads of people disagreeing with me but that's because most people think I'm too young/old/stupid/male/gay/something to know about love or think that love is some mystical deity that just can't be understood or defined. And no one else of the people who realise that love is a perfectly normal state like any other situational set of emotions (i.e. the sensible people) will agree on what it is anyway. (Edit: or, of course, because people have different ideas of what a relationship is.)

****ing silly concept, if you ask me. I don't care what I call the state I'm in, be it love, lust, dependence, obsession, a crush, or whatever, but when I'm in such a state I know what I want to happen and I know what I want to do and what I don't want to do and so on, and I don't particularly need to give it a name other than to explain it to other people, which I generally don't need to do anyway.
True it doesn't really matter whether its Lust - Infatuation may form into love. Its more intense than what you'll ever experience in the rest of your relationship anyhow :P
Reply 12
i reckon that when you are in love you won't ask yourself "am i in love?".
Reply 13
Why is everyone so worried trying to get to 'love' anyway, just enjoy the moment, enjoy what you have and dont waste your energy.. its about the ride for christ sake :P:smile:
you dont know, if you have been with him and have no problems and you are happy and don't want to leave him/her then i say its love. If not then dunno.
Reply 15
Lust is a sexual desire - more the physical side of attraction - the good things about a person that makes you get butterflies and all that.

Love is more than that, love is about everything - the good things and more importantly the bad things that you are happy to live with for the rest of your life because you "love" the person for who they are.
To me lust is when you see someone who is really hot and you want them then and there. Although lust is often confused with love, lust won't last forever. Lust is a sort of sexual obsession with someone, lust is purely sexual, whereas love is really something special. I can't describe love in words but with me, i just knew. When i met my boyf i just had this overwhelming knowledge that this was the man i loved.
I've been in love, and I still am in love, though we're just friends. I knew I was in love because I would, and I still would, die for them. There shouldn't be many people in the world you'd give your life for, and if you can be certain you'd die for them, then I'd say you're in love.

I can only count 4 people who I would die for, and considering I know a good hundred or so people at least, I know they are the 4 people who I love.

Hope this helps.
The Canadian
I've been in love, and I still am in love, though we're just friends. I knew I was in love because I would, and I still would, die for them. There shouldn't be many people in the world you'd give your life for, and if you can be certain you'd die for them, then I'd say you're in love.

I can only count 4 people who I would die for, and considering I know a good hundred or so people at least, I know they are the 4 people who I love.

Under what circumstances? I'd give my life for anyone I cared about. And if we're talking about giving your life to save someone else's - I'd do that for anyone.
Reply 19
You ask yourself this question.

'Would i jump in front of a car to save their life?' If the answer is Yes...then you know it's love. If you find yourself going mehh...maybe, then no.